Project description:The clinical efficacy of EGFR kinase inhibitors is limited by the development of drug resistance. The irreversible EGFR kinase inhibitor WZ4002 is effective against the most common mechanism of drug resistance mediated by the EGFR T790M mutation. Here we show that in multiple complementary models harboring EGFR T790M, resistance to WZ4002 develops through aberrant activation of ERK signaling caused by either an amplification of MAPK1 or by downregulation of negative regulators of ERK signaling. Inhibition of MEK or ERK restores sensitivity to WZ4002, and the combination of WZ4002 and a MEK inhibitor prevents the emergence of drug resistance. The WZ4002 resistant MAPK1 amplified cells also demonstrate an increase both in EGFR internalization and a decrease in sensitivity to cytotoxic chemotherapy compared to the parental counterparts. Our findings provide insights into mechanisms of drug resistance to EGFR kinase inhibitors and highlight rational combination therapies that should be evaluated in clinical trials. Our study identifies ERK signaling as a mediator of resistance to irreversible pyrimidine EGFR inhibitors in EGFR T790M-bearing cancers. We further provide a therapeutic strategy to both treat and prevent the emergence of this resistance mechanism. To generate drug-resistant NCI-H1975 cell lines, non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cells were exposed to increasing concentrations of WZ4002 similar to previously described methods. Individual clones from WZ4002-resistant (WZR) cells were isolated and confirmed to be drug resistant. Clone #6, designated as WZR6, was used in this study. For expression analysis, samples were prepared in triplicate from parental NCI-H1975 and NCI-H1975 WZR6 cells.
Project description:It is not known whether cancer cells generally show quantitative differences in the expression of signaling pathway proteins that could dysregulate signal transduction. To explore this issue, we first defined the primary components of the EGFR-MAPK pathway in normal human mammary epithelial cells, identifying 16 core proteins and 10 feedback regulators. We then quantified their absolute abundance at both the protein and mRNA level across a panel of normal and breast cancer cell lines. We found that core pathway proteins were present at very similar levels across all cell types. In contrast, the EGFR and transcriptionally controlled feedback regulators were present at highly variable levels. The absolute abundance of most core proteins was between 50,000-70,000 copies per cell, but the adaptors SOS1, SOS2, and GAB1 were found at far lower levels (2,000-5,000 per cell). MAPK signaling showed saturation in all cells between 3,000-10,000 occupied EGFR, consistent with the idea that adaptors limit signaling. Our results suggest that the relative stoichiometry of core MAPK pathway proteins is very similar across different cell types, with cell-specific differences mostly restricted to variable levels of feedback regulators. The low abundance of adaptors relative to the EGFR could be responsible for previous observation of saturable signaling, endocytosis, and high affinity EGFR.
Project description:The clinical efficacy of EGFR kinase inhibitors is limited by the development of drug resistance. The irreversible EGFR kinase inhibitor WZ4002 is effective against the most common mechanism of drug resistance mediated by the EGFR T790M mutation. Here we show that in multiple complementary models harboring EGFR T790M, resistance to WZ4002 develops through aberrant activation of ERK signaling caused by either an amplification of MAPK1 or by downregulation of negative regulators of ERK signaling. Inhibition of MEK or ERK restores sensitivity to WZ4002, and the combination of WZ4002 and a MEK inhibitor prevents the emergence of drug resistance. The WZ4002 resistant MAPK1 amplified cells also demonstrate an increase both in EGFR internalization and a decrease in sensitivity to cytotoxic chemotherapy compared to the parental counterparts. Our findings provide insights into mechanisms of drug resistance to EGFR kinase inhibitors and highlight rational combination therapies that should be evaluated in clinical trials. The EGFR mutant non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cell line PC9 GR4 (delE746_A750/T790M) was exposed to increasing concentrations of WZ4002 similar to previously described methods. Individual clones from WZ4002-resistant (WZR) cells were isolated and confirmed to be drug resistant. Number of samples: 5. PC9GR4 as a control. 4 clones of WZ4002-resistant PC9GR4.
Project description:The clinical efficacy of EGFR kinase inhibitors is limited by the development of drug resistance. The irreversible EGFR kinase inhibitor WZ4002 is effective against the most common mechanism of drug resistance mediated by the EGFR T790M mutation. Here we show that in multiple complementary models harboring EGFR T790M, resistance to WZ4002 develops through aberrant activation of ERK signaling caused by either an amplification of MAPK1 or by downregulation of negative regulators of ERK signaling. Inhibition of MEK or ERK restores sensitivity to WZ4002, and the combination of WZ4002 and a MEK inhibitor prevents the emergence of drug resistance. The WZ4002 resistant MAPK1 amplified cells also demonstrate an increase both in EGFR internalization and a decrease in sensitivity to cytotoxic chemotherapy compared to the parental counterparts. Our findings provide insights into mechanisms of drug resistance to EGFR kinase inhibitors and highlight rational combination therapies that should be evaluated in clinical trials. Our study identifies ERK signaling as a mediator of resistance to irreversible pyrimidine EGFR inhibitors in EGFR T790M-bearing cancers. We further provide a therapeutic strategy to both treat and prevent the emergence of this resistance mechanism.
Project description:Aberrant activation of Hedgehog (HH) signaling has been identified as a key etiologic factor of many human malignancies. Signal strength, target gene specificity, and oncogenic activity of HH signaling profoundly depend on interactions with other pathways such as epidermal growth factor receptor-mediated signaling which has been shown to cooperate with HH/GLI in basal cell carcinoma and pancreatic cancer. We demonstrate that the human medulloblastoma cell line Daoy possesses a fully inducible endogenous HH pathway. Treatment of Daoy cells with Sonic Hedgehog or Smoothened agonist induced expression of GLI1 protein and prevented processing of GLI3 to its repressor form. To study interactions between HH- and EGF-induced signaling in greater detail, time-resolved measurements were carried out and analyzed on the transcriptomic as well as proteomic level. Daoy cells responded to the co-treatment by downregulating GLI1, PTCH, and HHIP on the transcript level which was also seen when Amphiregulin (AREG) was used instead of EGF. The finding that EGFR signaling silences proteins acting as negative regulators of HH signaling is firstly described here as a novel crosstalk mechanism. Furthermore, combined EGFR/HH signaling maintains high GLI1 protein levels contrasting its downregulation on the transcript level. On the other hand, high level synergism was observed with respect to a strong and significant upregulation of numerous canonical EGF-targets with putative tumor-promoting properties such as MMP7, VEGFA, and IL-8. In conclusion, synergistic effects between EGFR and HH signaling can selectively induce a switch from a canonical HH/GLI profile to a modulated specific target gene profile pointing to more wide-spread, yet context-dependent, interactions between HH/GLI and growth factor receptor signaling in human malignancies. To study interactions between HH- and EGF-induced signaling, time-resolved measurements were carried out over a period of 24 h at 14 different time points after stimulation by EGF with and without additional stimulation by SHH. Furthermore, as a control, cells without any stimulation by EGF and SHH (control) and cells in the presents of SHH were analyzed. Overall, three biological replicates of 60 different treatment/timepoints were analyzed yielding 180 different samples.
Project description:The highly conserved Epidermal Growth Factor-receptor (Egfr) pathway is required in all animals for normal development and homeostasis; consequently, aberrant Egfr signaling is implicated in a number of diseases. Genetic analysis of Drosophila melanogaster Egfr has contributed significantly to understanding this conserved pathway and has led to the discovery of new components and targets. Here we used microarray analysis of Drosophila third instar wing discs, in which Egfr signaling was perturbed, to identify new Egfr-responsive genes. Upregulated transcripts included five known targets suggesting the approach was valid. We investigated the function of 29 previously uncharacterized genes, which had pronounced responses. The Egfr pathway is important for wing-vein patterning and using reverse genetic analysis we identified five genes that showed venation defects. Three of these genes are expressed in vein primordia and all showed transcriptional changes in response to altered Egfr activity consistent with being targets of the pathway. Genetic interactions with Egfr further linked two of the genes, Sulfated (Sulf1), an endosulfatase gene, and CG4096, an ADAMTS (A Disintegrin And Metalloproteinase with ThromboSpondin motifs) gene, to the pathway. Sulf1 showed a strong genetic interaction with the neuregulin-like ligand vein (vn) and may influence binding of Vn to heparan-sulfated proteoglycans (HSPGs). Genetic evidence also shows that CG4096 functions by modulating activity of the Egfr ligands. The substrate(s) and how ligand activity is affected are unknown, but interestingly vertebrate EGF ligands are regulated by a related ADAMTS protein. We conclude Sulf1 and CG4096 are negative feedback regulators of Egfr signaling that function in the extracellular space to influence ligand activity. 3 replicates each of wing disc samples in which EGFR dominant negative (EGFR-DN) or EGFR activated (EGFR-TOP) transgenes were expressed with the 71B-Gal4 driver.