Project description:Dietary nutrients interact with the gene networks to orchestrate adaptive responses during metabolic stress. Tissue metabolic reprogramming is frequently linked to induction of pathways with pathophysiological consequences. Here we identified Baf60a as a diet-sensitive subunit of the SWI/SNF chromatin-remodeling complexes in the liver that links the consumption of fat- and cholesterol-rich diet to elevated plasma cholesterol levels. The expression of Baf60a in the liver was elevated following western diet feeding. Hepatocyte-specific inactivation of Baf60a reduced bile acid production and intestinal cholesterol absorption, and attenuated diet-induced hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerosis in mice. At the mechanistic level, Baf60a stimulates the expression of hepatic genes involved in bile acid synthesis, modification, and transport through a CAR/Baf60a feedforward regulatory loop. Baf60a is required for the recruitment of the SWI/SNF chromatin-remodeling complexes to facilitate an activating epigenetic switch on the CAR target genes. These studies elucidate an unexpected regulatory pathway that mediates the hyperlipidemic and atherogenic effects of western diet consumption. We used microarrays to elucidate the role of hepatic Baf60a in the regulation of lipid metabolism.
Project description:Determine in the context of a controlled crossover diet-intervention trial the role of taurocholic acid metabolism by gut bacteria in African American subjects at elevated risk for colorectal cancer (CRC). Two isocaloric diets, an animal-based diet high in taurine and saturated fat (HT-HSAT) and a plant-based, low in taurine and low saturated fat (LT-LSAT) will be used to determine the extent to which the relationship between diet (independent variable) and mucosal markers of CRC risk including epithelial proliferation, oxidative stress, DNA damage, and primary and secondary bile acid pools and biomarkers of inflammation (dependent variables) is explained by the abundance of sulfidogenic bacteria and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) concentrations &/or deoxycholic acid (DCA) and DCA-producing bacteria clostridium scindens (mediator variables).
Project description:MS/MS fragmentation data on bile acid standards were acquired on the QE - with a gradient developed to separate between isomeric pairs on a Polar C18 column and a fragmentation energy of NCE 45.
Project description:Nudix hydrolase 7 (NUDT7) is a peroxisomal (acyl-)CoA-degrading enzyme that is highly expressed in the liver. We previously showed that liver-specific NUDT7 overexpression affects peroxisomal lipid metabolism, but does not prevent the increase in total liver CoA levels that occurs with fasting. Herein, we show that deletion of Nudt7 alters the composition of the hepatic acyl-CoA pool in mice fed a low fat diet, but only in males fed a western diet does the lack of NUDT7 increase total liver CoA levels. This effect is driven by the accumulation of medium-chain dicarboxylic acyl-CoAs, which are products of the oxidation of dicarboxylic fatty acids in the peroxisomes. We also show that, under conditions of increased cholesterol intake and elevated bile acid synthesis, Nudt7 deletion increases the production of tauro-muricholic acids, decreasing the hydrophobicity index of the intestinal bile acid pool and increasing fecal cholesterol excretion. Collectively, our findings reveal a key role for NUDT7 in the regulation of the final products of bile acid synthesis and dicarboxylic fatty acid oxidation
Project description:The study was designed to determine the effect of inhibition of ileal bile acid uptake on hepatic gene expression in high fat diet induced hepatic steatosis in mice