Project description:Despite its demonstrated biological significance, time of day is a broadly overlooked biological variable in preclinical and clinical studies. How time of day affects the influence of peripheral tumors on central (brain) function remains unspecified. Thus, we tested the hypothesis that peripheral mammary cancer tumors alter the transcriptome of immune responses in the brain and that these responses vary based on time of day; we predicted that time of day sampling bias would alter the interpretation of the results. Brain tissues collected at mid dark and mid light from mammary tumor-bearing and vehicle injected mice were analyzed using the Nanostring nCounter Mouse Neuroinflammation Panel V1. Peripheral mammary tumors significantly affected expression within the brain of over 100 unique genes of the 770 represented in the panel, and fewer than 25% of these genes were affected similarly across the day. Indeed, between 65-75% of GO biological processes represented by the differentially expressed genes were dependent upon time of day of sampling. The implications of time-of-day sampling bias in interpretation of research studies cannot be understated. We encourage considering time of day as a significant biological variable in studies and to appropriately control for it and clearly report time of day in findings.
Project description:Archaeological bone material is increasingly being sampled for various molecular analyses. Minimally invasive sampling protocols should therefore be utilised whenever possible. We compare the proteomic output of 10 Early Neolithic Bos sp. humeri, from two different preservation contexts, of seven sampling protocols, namely retrieving bone chips (with and without demineralisation), acid etching (FASP and chemical neutralisation), eraser, membrane box, and polishing film. We note that minimally invasive sampling methods can extract a substantial amount of protein groups and provide sufficient taxonomic identifications if preservation conditions are favorable. However, if preservation conditions are poorer more invasive sampling techniques should be considered.
Project description:We have developed an endovascular catheter-based device for sampling of the endothelium, intended for RNA-seq analysis. With an outer diameter of 0.23 mm it is capable of reaching peripheral vessels for endothelial sampling, and favourably compares to other approaches with stent retrievers or similar tools. Here, we have collected samples from liver and kidney vessels from swine and performed RNA-sequencing to validate the sample quality.
Project description:Global proteomes of Trichodesmium erythraeum sp. IMS101 over the diel cycle. Cells were grown in a 14:10 day/light incubator with mimicked dusk and dawn illumination. Sampling occurred every 1-3 hours with concentrated sampling around dawn and dusk.
Project description:The experiment was designed to get high throughput mRNA data (for gene expression and alternative splicing analysis) of A. thaliana 13-14 day old plants, over the course of two days after 24h of transfer to free running (circadian) conditions. Briefly, plants were grown in MS plates (30 plants per plate / 2 plates per timepoint) for 11 days in LD 12 h : 12 h conditions (50umoles /m2 /s) and 22C. On day 12 plants were transferred to LL conditions. Sampling was performed at 4 h intervals from 24 h after transfer to LL till 68 h. Samples were flash frozen in liquid nitrogen and total RNA was extracted using the Trizol method. RNA quality was chequed by gel and libraries were constructed using the TruSeq RNA Library Prep Kit v2. QC was performed on an Agilent BioAnalyzer 2100. Libraries were then pooled and sequenced on an Ilumina HiSeq 2500 by INDEAR, Rosario, Argentina.
Project description:Samples from wild-type C57BL/6 mice gavaged with 100 mg kg-1 of PheCA, SerCA, TCA, or mock control for 13 days and then sacrificed for sampling on day 14.