Project description:Many patients with Cystic Fibrosis suffer from Gastroeosphgeal Refux Disease (GERD). This disease may lead to the aspiration of bile into the lungs. We invesigated the effect of bile on the CF lung pathogen P. aeruginosa. We analysed gene expression profiles, comparing bile treated and untreated cells to identified distinct classes of up/down-regulated genes. P. aeruginosa PAO1 was grown to log stage for RNA extraction and hybridization on Affymetrix microarrays. We conducted three biological replicates as to increase the resolution of expression profiles.
Project description:Many patients with Cystic Fibrosis suffer from Gastroeosphgeal Refux Disease (GERD). This disease may lead to the aspiration of bile into the lungs. We invesigated the effect of bile on the CF lung pathogen P. aeruginosa. We analysed gene expression profiles, comparing bile treated and untreated cells to identified distinct classes of up/down-regulated genes.
Project description:This multi-center study will compare multi-target DNA and quantitative FIT stool-based testing to colonoscopy in individuals with Cystic Fibrosis (CF) undergoing colon cancer screening with colonoscopy. The primary endpoint is detection of any adenomas, including advanced adenomas and colorectal cancer (CRC).
Project description:The gene expression of the opportunictic cystic fibrosis lung pathogen Burkholderia multivorans ATCC 17616 was investigated under different growth conditions relevant for growth in the cystic fibrosis lung.
Project description:The gene expression of the opportunictic cystic fibrosis lung pathogen Burkholderia multivorans ATCC 17616 was investigated under different growth conditions relevant for growth in the cystic fibrosis lung.
Project description:The gene expression of the opportunictic cystic fibrosis lung pathogen Burkholderia multivorans ATCC 17616 was investigated under different growth conditions relevant for growth in the cystic fibrosis lung.
Project description:The opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa is among the main colonizers of the lungs of cystic fibrosis (CF) patients. We have isolated and sequenced several P. aeruginosa isolates from the sputum of CF patients and used phenotypic, genomic and proteomic analyses to compare these CF derived strains with each other and with the model strain PAO1.
Project description:CF's physiopathology is poorly explained by the mutation alone. The oxydative stress could be a major factor of this illness . Study its impact on transcriptome's CF cell line could be ameliorate our understanding of the evolution of cystic fibrosis. we used microarray technology to evaluate under oxydative stress, the transcriptional state of an epithelial lung cell issued from a human with cystic fibrosis and to identify a set of modulated genes associated to survival cell processes. the two cell lines are cultivated to Air-liquid Interface for RNA extraction and hybridization on Affymetrix microarrays. Each condition is triplicated. For the oxidative stress conditions, the two cell lines are treated on apical site by 15 µl of DMNQ (2,3-dimethoxy-1,4-naphtoquinone) ,concentrated at 15 µM, during 24 hours before RNA extraction.