Obesity and Poor Diet as Susceptibility Factors for Secondhand Smoke in Childhood Asthma
Ontology highlight
ABSTRACT: Aim 1: To investigate the effect of SHS exposure on asthma morbidity, systemic inflammation and oxidative stress among inner-city children with asthma. Hypotheses 1.Increasing SHS exposure will be associated with increases in asthma morbidity, systemic inflammation and oxidative stress. Aim 2: To determine if being overweight/obese modifies the effect of SHS exposure on respiratory symptoms, inflammation and oxidative stress responses among inner-city children with asthma.Hypothesis 2. SHS exposure will be associated with a worsened asthma and increases in systemic inflammation and oxidative stress among overweight/obese children compared to normal weight children. Aim 3: To determine if diet quality modifies the effect of SHS exposure on respiratory symptoms, inflammation and oxidative stress responses among inner-city children with asthma. Hypothesis 3. SHS smoke exposure will associated with worsened respiratory symptoms and increases in inflammation and oxidative stress among children with poor quality diet compared those with better quality diet inner-city children with asthma. (Diet will be assessed by dietary inflammatory index, healthy eating index, and additional serum markers proposed in this application).
ORGANISM(S): Human Homo Sapiens
TISSUE(S): Blood
DISEASE(S): Asthma
Maureen Kachman
PROVIDER: ST001325 | MetabolomicsWorkbench | Wed Feb 26 00:00:00 GMT 2020
REPOSITORIES: MetabolomicsWorkbench