Project description:1. Evaluate the diagnostic value of long noncoding RNA (CCAT1) expression by RT-PCR in peripheral blood in colorectal cancer patients versus normal healthy control personal.
2. Evaluate the clinical utility of detecting long noncoding RNA (CCAT1) expression in diagnosis of colorectal cancer patients & its relation to tumor staging.
3. Evaluate the clinical utility of detecting long noncoding RNA (CCAT1) expression in precancerous colorectal diseases.
4. Compare long noncoding RNA (CCAT1) expression with traditional marker; carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) and Carbohydrate antigen 19-9 (CA19-9) in diagnosis of colorectal cancer.
Project description:Interventions: lesion tissues vs. adjacent tissues of colorectal cancer patients:nil
Primary outcome(s): RNA
Study Design: Factorial
Project description:Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the second common cause of death in the Western world, and is very increasing in Japan. Fecal occult blood test (FOBT) is used routinely for CRC screening, which has been shown to reduce the incidence, morbidity, and mortality of CRC. However, there is a need to develop a novel method to improve sensitivity. The investigators reported that Fecal COX-2 assay, one of fecal RNA test, is potentially useful for colorectal cancer screening (Gastroenterology 127; 422-427, 2004). So the investigators planed to compare fecal RNA test with FOBT for detecting colorectal cancer and adenoma.
Project description:Schmitz2014 - RNA triplex formation
The model is parameterized using the
parameters for gene CCDC3 from Supplementary Table S1. The two
miRNAs which form the triplex together with CCDC3 are miR-551b and
This model is described in the article:
Cooperative gene regulation
by microRNA pairs and their identification using a
computational workflow.
Schmitz U, Lai X, Winter F,
Wolkenhauer O, Vera J, Gupta SK.
Nucleic Acids Res. 2014 Jul; 42(12):
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are an integral part of gene regulation
at the post-transcriptional level. Recently, it has been shown
that pairs of miRNAs can repress the translation of a target
mRNA in a cooperative manner, which leads to an enhanced
effectiveness and specificity in target repression. However, it
remains unclear which miRNA pairs can synergize and which genes
are target of cooperative miRNA regulation. In this paper, we
present a computational workflow for the prediction and
analysis of cooperating miRNAs and their mutual target genes,
which we refer to as RNA triplexes. The workflow integrates
methods of miRNA target prediction; triplex structure analysis;
molecular dynamics simulations and mathematical modeling for a
reliable prediction of functional RNA triplexes and target
repression efficiency. In a case study we analyzed the human
genome and identified several thousand targets of cooperative
gene regulation. Our results suggest that miRNA cooperativity
is a frequent mechanism for an enhanced target repression by
pairs of miRNAs facilitating distinctive and fine-tuned target
gene expression patterns. Human RNA triplexes predicted and
characterized in this study are organized in a web resource at
This model is hosted on
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To the extent possible under law, all copyright and related or
neighbouring rights to this encoded model have been dedicated to
the public domain worldwide. Please refer to
Public Domain Dedication for more information.
Project description:To detect RNA binidng proteins bound with SynGAP 3'UTR, the biotinylated RNA probe was generated, and the bands were detected by silver staining.
Project description:The general role of RNA in the cell beyond protein biosynthesis is only beginning to emerge with little knowledge about the structural or organizational functions of RNA. In turn, functional non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) are often identified by their regulation or impact on cellular phenotypes. However, the huge number and diversity of ncRNAs highly complicate the task of their molecular characterization and rationalization into cellular processes. For the vast majority of ncRNAs as well as for non-coding functions of known mRNAs, the mechanisms underlying their modes of action as well as their impact on protein complexes are unknown. Thus, the greatest challenge in the field of RNA biology today is the elucidation of molecular mechanisms and functional interaction partners of RNA molecules.
Since RNAs do not act alone, but often interact with specific protein partners, proteomic approaches have been developed to study RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) and aim at revealing the molecular mechanisms underlying RNA function. Large-scale studies aiming at globally identifying RNA-binding proteins principally focused on poly(A)-RNA transcripts. A notable limitation of such approaches is that many ncRNAs are not polyadenylated, so that their interaction partners were not detected in these screens. Most importantly however, the overlap between the numerous studies aiming to identify RBPs is limited and their specificity remains unclear. Moreover, the previous studies were based on the identification of RBPs omitting their participation in protein-protein complexes and more interestingly in RNA-dependent protein-protein complexes.
Here, we introduce the concept of "RNA dependence" to overcome these challenges. We define a protein as RNA-dependent if its interactome (hence likely its function) depends on RNA without necessarily directly binding to RNA. Based on this new concept, we developed a proteome-wide screening approach to gain mechanistic insight into the function of RNAs - both coding and non-coding - in RNA-protein complexes and their impact on the function of such complexes.
Project description:To identify RNA binding proteins of satellite II RNA, we performed RNA pull-down was performed using the whole cell lysates of SVts-8 cells and biosynthesized SATII RNA and then subjected to proteomic analysis.
Project description:We develop a CRISPR-Assisted RNA-Protein Interaction Detection method (CARPID), which leverages CRISPR/CasRx-based RNA targeting and proximity labeling to identify binding proteins of specific lncRNA in the native cellular context.