Project description:The first GSSM of V. vinifera was reconstructed (MODEL2408120001). Tissue-specific models for stem, leaf, and berry of the Cabernet Sauvignon cultivar were generated from the original model, through the integration of RNA-Seq data. These models have been merged into diel multi-tissue models to study the interactions between tissues at light and dark phases.
2024-09-02 | MODEL2408160001 | BioModels
Project description:Genome Skimming of Fragaria germplasm collection "Professor Staudt Collection"
Project description:Transcriptional profiling of cotton fiber cells from two cotton germplasm lines, MD 52ne and MD 90ne. Comparison of fiber cell transcription profiles is between the two germplasm lines and over a developmental time-course from 8 to 24 days post anthesis in four day intervals. Cotton plants grown in 3-4 row plots of approximately 300-400 individual plants. Bulked fiber samples from multiple plants per each plot represented a biological replication. There were 3-4 spatially distinct plots per cotton germplasm line. Loop microarray hybridization experimental design. Biological replicates: 2 for each germplasm line at each time-point. Technical replicates: 2 for each germplasm line at each time-point (dye-swap).