Project description:E0771 tumors were implanted either subcutaneously on the left flank or orthotopically in the mammary fat pad and treated with either PBS or FEC + oHSV-1 Mice were sacrificed 5 days after the start of treatment and whole tumour digests were used for RNA extraction
Project description:To understand potential downstream signaling molecules that are responsible for wild type-Malt1 induced resistance of tumor cell to CD8 T cell killing , we first use E0771 cells expressing either -Vector control, wild type-Malt1 (M-WT), or Malt1 PD mutant (M-PD) to coculture with activated CD8 T cell at a effctor: target ratio(E:T ration) of 3 for 12 hours. Then wash the cells with PBS, digest the cells by 0.25% trypsin solution, harvest the cells in 15 ml tubes by centrifugation (1000 rpm 5min) and seed cells into the original plate with DMEM+10%FBS+1%P/S medium. 6 hours after sseding, wash cells with PBS, lyse cells with TRIZOL for RNA extraction, perform reverse transcription and cDNA library for RNA-Seq analysis.
Project description:Rip1Tag2 mice spontaneously develop tumors. Mice were treated with sEphB4-Alb or PBS for 3.5 weeks. RNA was isolated from harvested tumors and subjected to global gene expression analysis.
Project description:To explore the mechanism of action upon addition of MMC to oBHV therapy, unbiased transcriptional profiling was conducted on B16-C10 tumors treated with PBS, oBHV or MMC+oBHV harvested at day 5.
Project description:We performed RNA sequencing on parental (WT) and Cbfb-deficient (CbfbKO) E0771 cells. Cells were generated by electroporation with Cas9-sgRNA complexes using a non-targeting sgRNA (WT) or Cbfb-targeting sgRNA (CbfbKO)
Project description:To invesitigate the additional paracaspase-independent tumor-promoting effect exist for Malt1. We thus collected E0771-Vector control tumor tissue, E0771 wildtype Malt1 (Malt1-WT) overexpression tumor tissue and E0771 paracaspase-deficient Malt1 (Malt1-PD) overexpression tumor tissue, and sorted out immune cells for 10× Genomics single cell RNA-sequencing (scRNA-seq).