Project description:To identify specific gene networks induced in host roots by C. geophilum, we inoculated seedlings of Scots pine simultaneously with C. geophilum and either Suillus granulatus or Rhizopogon roseolus, two common ECM fungi associated to pines. We then measured the differential expression of Scots pine genes in the respective mycorrhizas using oligoarrays. We performed 14 hybridizations (NimbleGen) with samples derived from Pinus sylvestris mycorrhiza with Cenococcum geophilum, Rhizopogon roseolus or Suillus granulatus (3 biological replicates each), as well as from non-mycorrhizal control roots (two replicates). Only the Pinus-derived sequences from the array were considered for this analysis. All samples were labeled with Cy3.
Project description:Embryos and megagametophytes samples belonging to four early developmental stages during seed development in Pinus sylvestris were collected from a seed orchard in central Sweden. Dominant (DO) and subordinate (SU) zygotic embryos were collected separately. RNA was isolated from this samples and the corresponding cDNA synthesized and subjected to RNA sequencing (one biological replicate). In total nine RNA-seq libraries were constructed, five for embryo samples (E1, E2, E3DO, E3SU, E4) and four for megagametophytes (M1, M2, M3 and M4). qRT-PCR analysis have been done to validate the RNA-seq expression results.