Project description:Microbiome DNA from the adhering fraction of a sheep rumen. The RSTs were generated using an improved version of SARST (referred to as iSARST) from the microbiome DNA extracted from the adhering fraction of the rumen content taken from a sheep. The iSARST method is going to be submitted to Nature Biotechnology for publication. Keywords: other
Project description:Tracing autotroph and heterotroph photosynthetic catalytic carbon cycling within a microbial mat, confirming biomass 13C incorporation into extracellular polymeric substances through proteomics.
Project description:Microbiome DNA from the adhering fraction of a sheep rumen. The RSTs were generated using an improved version of SARST (referred to as iSARST) from the microbiome DNA extracted from the adhering fraction of the rumen content taken from a sheep. The iSARST method is going to be submitted to Nature Biotechnology for publication. Keywords: other
Project description:Characterization of proteins critical to fungal cellulosome assembly for Anaeromyces robustus, Neocallimastix californiae and Piromyces finnis (cellulosomes are multi-protein complexes that tether plant biomass degrading enzymes together). These findings suggest that the fungal cellulosome is an independently evolved fungal complex that co-opted useful activities from bacterial neighbors within the herbivore rumen microbiome.
Project description:A shotgun metagenome microarray was created and used to investigate gene transcription during vinyl chloride (VC) dechlorination by a microbial enrichment culture called KB1. The array was constructed by spotting genomic fragments amplified from short-insert libraries of KB1 metagenomic DNA. Subsequently, the microarrays were interrogated with RNA extracted from KB1 during VC dechlorination (VC+methanol), and in the absence of VC (methanol-only). The most differentially expressed spots, and spots with the highest intensities, were then chosen to be sequenced. Sequencing revealed that Dehalococcoides (Dhc) genes involved in transcription, translation and energy generation were up-regulated during VC degradation. Furthermore, the results indicated that the reductive dehalogenase homologous (RDH) gene KB1rdhA14 is the only RDH gene up-regulated upon VC degradation, and that multiple RDH genes were more highly transcribed in the absence of VC. Numerous hypothetical genes from Dehalococcoides were also more highly transcribed in methanol only treatments and indicate that many uncharacterized proteins are involved in cell maintenance in the absence of chlorinated substrates. Spots with genes from Spirochaetes, Chloroflexi, Geobacter, Methanogens and phage organisms were differentially expressed and sequencing provided information from these uncultivated organisms that can be used to design primers for more targeted studies. This array format is powerful, as it does not require a priori sequence knowledge. This study provides the first report of such arrays being used to investigate transcription in a mixed community, and shows that this array format can be used to screen metagenomic libraries for functionally important genes.