Ontology highlight
OTHER RELATED OMICS DATASETS IN: MODEL1109130000MODEL1909260003MODEL1909260004MODEL1703310000MODEL1909260005MODEL1909260006MODEL1311110000MODEL1311110001
ORGANISM(S): Rattus Norvegicus (rat) Danio Rerio (zebrafish) (brachydanio Rerio) Caenorhabditis Elegans Saccharomyces Cerevisiae (baker's Yeast) Triticum Aestivum (wheat) Sus Scrofa Domesticus (domestic Pig) Drosophila Melanogaster (fruit Fly) Homo Sapiens (human) Bos Taurus (bovine) Escherichia Coli Gallus Gallus (chicken) Arabidopsis Thaliana (mouse-ear Cress) Vitis Vinifera (grape) Dictyostelium Discoideum (slime Mold) Mus Musculus (mouse)
SUBMITTER: Mario Oroshi
LAB HEAD: Matthias Mann
PROVIDER: PXD014877 | Pride | 2020-06-18
Items per page: 1 - 5 of 368 |
Nature 20200617 7813
Proteins carry out the vast majority of functions in all biological domains, but for technological reasons their large-scale investigation has lagged behind the study of genomes. Since the first essentially complete eukaryotic proteome was reported<sup>1</sup>, advances in mass-spectrometry-based proteomics<sup>2</sup> have enabled increasingly comprehensive identification and quantification of the human proteome<sup>3-6</sup>. However, there have been few comparisons across species<sup>7,8</sup ...[more]