
Dataset Information


Females translate male mRNA transferred during mating

ABSTRACT: Although the presence of RNA in seminal fluid appears to be a conserved feature of male ejaculates, it is unknown whether this RNA is functional within females. Here, we develop an experimental proteomic method called VASPA (Variant Assisted SILAC Proteomic Analysis) to test the hypothesis that Drosophila male seminal fluid RNA is translated by females. We find evidence for 166 male-derived, female-translated proteins (mdFTPs) in female lower reproductive tracts at six hours postmating, many with predicted functions relevant to reproduction.


ORGANISM(S): Drosophila Mojavensis Mojavensis Drosophila Arizonae

TISSUE(S): Female Reproductive System

SUBMITTER: Luciano Matzkin  

LAB HEAD: Luciano Matzkin

PROVIDER: PXD041195 | Pride | 2024-06-18


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