Project description:Investigation of whole genome gene expression level in Klebsiella pneumoniae MGH78578 grown up to mid-exponential phase in M9 minimal media supplemented with 0.2% glucose
Project description:To investigate the whole-genome gene expression difference between the wild-type and capsule deletion mutant in Klebsiella pneumoniae MGH 78578. The mutants analyzed in this study are further described in Huang T.W., Stapleton J.C., Chang H.Y., Tsai S.F., Palsson B.O., Charusanti P. Capsule removal via lambda-Red knockout system perturbs biofilm formation and fimbriae extression in Klesiella pneumoniae MGH 78578 (manuscript submission) A six chip study using total RNA recovered from three separate wild-type cultures and three separate cultures of a capsule deltion mutant of Klebsiella pneumoniae MGH 78578. The capsule gene cluster (KPN_02493 to KPN_02515) was entirely removed in the capsule deletion mutant. Each chip measures the expression level of 5,305 genes from Klebsiella pneumoniae MGH 78578 and the associated five plasmids (pKPN3, pKPN4, pKPN5, pKPN6 and pKPN7) with 50-mer oligo tiling array with 30-mer spacer.
Project description:Klebsiella pneumoniae is an arising threat to human health. However, host immune responses in response to this bacterium remain to be elucidated. The goal of this study was to identify the dominant host immune responses associated with Klebsiella pneumoniae pulmonary infection. Pulmonary mRNA profiles of 6-8-weeks-old BALB/c mice infected with/without Klebsiella pneumoniae were generated by deep sequencing using Illumina Novaseq 6000. qRT–PCR validation was performed using SYBR Green assays. Using KEGG (Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes) analysis, we identified several immune associated pathways, including complement and coagulation cascades, Toll-like receptor signaling pathway, Rap1 signaling pathway, chemokine signaling pathway, TNF signaling pathway, phagosome and NOD-like receptor signaling pathway, were involved in Klebsiella pneumoniae pulmonary infection. Using ICEPOP (Immune CEll POPulation) analysis, we found that several cell types were involved in the host immune response to Klebsiella pneumoniae pulmonary infection, including dendritic cells, macrophages, monocytes, NK (natural killer) cells, stromal cells. Further, IL-17 chemokines were significantly increased during Klebsiella pneumoniae infection. This study provided evidence for further studying the pathogenic mechanism of Klebsiella pneumoniae pneumonia infection.
Project description:Investigation of whole genome gene expression level in Klebsiella pneumoniae MGH78578 grown up to mid-exponential phase in M9 minimal media supplemented with 0.2% glucose A two chip study using total RNA recovered from MGH78578 grown up to OD600nm 0.5 (mid-exponential phase) in M9 minimal media supplemented with 0.2% glucose. The high-density oligonucleotide tiling arrays used were consisted of 392,778 oligonucleotide probes spaced 30 bp apart (20-bp overlap between two probes) across the K. pneumoniae main genome and plasmids.
Project description:The increasing antibiotic resistance of Klebsiella pneumoniae poses a serious threat to global public health. To investigate the antibiotic resistance mechanism of Klebsiella pneumonia, we performed gene expression profiling analysis using RNA-seq data for clinical isolates of Klebsiella pneumonia, KPN16 and ATCC13883. Our results showed that mutant strain KPN16 is likely to act against the antibiotics through increased increased butanoate metabolism and lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis, and decreased transmembrane transport activity.
Project description:Response of Epithelial cells to the injury caused by different Klebsiella strains at different time points. K. pneumoniae strains used are: Wild type, Descapsulated mutant and LPS O-Chain mutant. Time points considered are: 4 hr, 6 hr and 10 hr
Project description:This SuperSeries is composed of the following subset Series: GSE35746: Comparative analysis of regulatory elements between Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae by genome-wide transcription start site profiling [tiling arrays] GSE35821: Comparative analysis of regulatory elements between Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae by genome-wide transcription start site profiling [TSS-Seq] Refer to individual Series
Project description:To investigate the whole-genome gene expression difference between the wild-type and capsule deletion mutant in Klebsiella pneumoniae MGH 78578. The mutants analyzed in this study are further described in Huang T.W., Stapleton J.C., Chang H.Y., Tsai S.F., Palsson B.O., Charusanti P. Capsule removal via lambda-Red knockout system perturbs biofilm formation and fimbriae extression in Klesiella pneumoniae MGH 78578 (manuscript submission)
Project description:Purpose: The goal of this study was to use RNA-seq to define the Klebsiella pneumoniae transcriptome recorded under 5 different experimental conditions, and to identify signature genes of each condition by comparing global transcriptional profiles. Methods: mRNA profiles were generated for Klebsiella pneumoniae CH1034 clinical isolate, in triplicate, by deep sequencing. Total RNAs were harvested from bacteria cultured at 37°C in M63B1 minimal media under different conditions: (i) planktonic aerobic condition at OD 620nm=0.250 (exponential growth-phase), (ii) overnight planktonic aerobic condition (stationnary growth-phase), (iii) biofilm in a flow-cell chamber after 7 hours of incubation (7-hours old biofilm), (iv) biofilm in a flow-cell chamber after 13 hours of incubation (13-hours old biofilm), (v) bacteria self-dispersed from biofilm recovered in the flow-cell effluent (biofilm-dispersed bacteria). Ribosomal RNAs were removed using the Bacteria Ribo-Zero Magnetic kit (Epicentre Biotechnologies). Libraries were prepared using the TruSeq Stranded mRNA Sample Preparation kit (Illumina), and 50bp single-reads were obtained by HiSeq 2000 (Illumina).The sequence reads that passed FastQC quality filters were mapped to the CH1034 genome using BurrowsâWheeler Aligner (BWA) (0.7.12-r1039 version). The transcript levels were determined using HTSeq-count (0.6.1p1 version) with union mode followed by DESeq (1.16.0 version) analysis. qRTâPCR validation was performed using SYBR Green assays. Results: We found that each condition has a specific transcriptional profile, and we identify 4 robust signature genes for each. Conclusion: Our study represents the first detailed analysis of K. pneumoniae transcriptomes under different experimental conditions generated by RNA-seq technology. The data reported here should permit the dissection of complex biologic functions involved in the transition between the sessile and planktonic modes of growth. Determination of the transcriptional profiling of Klebsiella pneumoniae under 5 different experimental conditions. mRNA profiles were generated for bacteria under exponential planktonic growth-phase, stationary planktonic growth-phase, 7 hours-old biofilm, 13 hours-old biofilm and biofilm-dispersed modes, each in three biological replicates, by deep sequencing using Illumina HiSeq