Project description:The aim of this study is to discover loss of specific miRNA loci in Wilms' tumors using array CGH. Custom arrays were designed based on the Agilent 2x105K Human Whole Genome Genomic microarray with Agilent’s eArray program (, with additional probes that cover all miRNA regions (200 bps before, within and after each miRNA from miRBase v13, with each probe in triplicates to enhance the reliability). All custom-designed probes were designed in UCSC hg18. Probes from Agilent’s database were lifted-over from hg19 to hg18 (LiftOver tool:
Project description:The aim of this study is to discover loss of specific miRNA loci in Wilms' tumors using array CGH. Custom arrays were designed based on the Agilent 2x105K Human Whole Genome Genomic microarray with Agilent’s eArray program (, with additional probes that cover all miRNA regions (200 bps before, within and after each miRNA from miRBase v13, with each probe in triplicates to enhance the reliability). All custom-designed probes were designed in UCSC hg18. Probes from Agilent’s database were lifted-over from hg19 to hg18 (LiftOver tool: The Agilent 2x105K custom-design whole genome microarray was used to analyze genomic alterations in Wilms' tumor samples compared to normal human genomic DNA (Promega p/n G1523).
Project description:The genetic structure of the indigenous hunter-gatherer peoples of Southern Africa, the oldest known lineage of modern man, holds an important key to understanding humanity's early history. Previously sequenced human genomes have been limited to recently diverged populations. Here we present the first complete genome sequences of an indigenous hunter-gatherer from the Kalahari Desert and of a Bantu from Southern Africa, as well as protein-coding regions from an additional three hunter-gatherers from disparate regions of the Kalahari. We characterize the extent of whole-genome and exome diversity among the five men, reporting 1.3 million novel DNA differences genome-wide, and 13,146 novel amino-acid variants. These data allow genetic relationships among Southern African foragers and neighboring agriculturalists to be traced more accurately than was previously possible. Adding the described variants to current databases will facilitate inclusion of Southern Africans in medical research efforts. Copy number differences between NA18507 and KB1 were predicted from the depth of whole-genome shotgun sequence reads. These predictions were then validated using array-CGH using a a genome-wide design as well as a custom design targeted at specific regions of copy number difference
Project description:We previously described the use of a spotted oligonucleotide array to identify the mir-17 cluster as a direct transcriptional target of Myc. In order to determine whether Myc regulates additional miRNAs, we produced custom microarrays with an expanded set of probes capable of assaying the expression of 313 human miRNAs and 233 mouse miRNAs. P493-6 cells which are Epstein-Barr virus-immortalized human B cells that harbor a tetracycline (tet)-repressible allele of Myc were studied. These cells are tumorigenic in immunocompromised mice and represent a model of human B cell lymphoma. miRNA expression profiles were examined in the high Myc (-tet) and low Myc (+tet) state. Keywords: Dose response
Project description:To validate the 244K 60-mer probes using a custom-designed Agilent oligo array and assuming antisense orientation of all target sequences.
Project description:To validate the 244K 60-mer probes using a custom-designed Agilent oligo array and assuming sense orientation of all target sequences.
Project description:To validate the 244K 60-mer or 40-mer probes using a custom-designed Agilent oligo array and assuming antisense orientation of all target sequences.
Project description:To validate the 244K 60-mer or 40-mer probes using a custom-designed Agilent oligo array and assuming sense orientation of all target sequences.
Project description:Targeted enrichment-based next-generation sequencing or whole exome sequencing were taken for patients with hypomyelinating leukodystrophies to reveal genetic aetiologies. All genomic DNA used in the experiments was extracted from the peripheral leukocytes. A complete kit was synthetized using the Agilent SureSelect Target Enrichment technique, capturing the coding regions from 104 candidate genes, including their exons and exon-intron boundaries (11,473 probes, 383.065 kbp in total). The following NGS which included equipment and reagents was performed on an Illumina NEXTSEQ500 platform manufactured by Illumina (San Diego, California, USA) using paired-end sequencing of 110 bp. The clean paired-end reads were aligned to the human reference genome build hg19, which was previously annotated using ANNOVAR, in addition to insertion-deletion (indel) and single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) calling.
Project description:Targeted enrichment-based next-generation sequencing or whole exome sequencing were taken for patients with hypomyelinating leukodystrophies to reveal genetic aetiologies. All genomic DNA used in the experiments was extracted from the peripheral leukocytes. A complete kit was synthetized using the Agilent SureSelect Target Enrichment technique, capturing the coding regions from 104 candidate genes, including their exons and exon-intron boundaries (11,473 probes, 383.065 kbp in total). The following NGS which included equipment and reagents was performed on an Illumina NEXTSEQ500 platform manufactured by Illumina (San Diego, California, USA) using paired-end sequencing of 110 bp. The clean paired-end reads were aligned to the human reference genome build hg19, which was previously annotated using ANNOVAR, in addition to insertion-deletion (indel) and single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) calling.