Project description:Arthrobacter sp. strain:KFRI-F3372 isolate:Doenjang(Soybean paste, Korea traditional fermented food) Genome sequencing
| PRJNA972333 | ENA
Project description:EMG produced TPA metagenomics assembly of the Metagenomic shotgun sequences of the five doenjang samples (traditional Korean fermented soybean paste) () data set.
| PRJEB29301 | ENA
Project description:Metagenomic data from Korean traditional soybean food, Meju and Doenjang
Project description:For production of soy-foods or supplements, imbibition of soybean seeds in the water is required step for generation of tofu, soy-milk, and other soy-products. With an aim to get new insight into effects of different imbibition temperature (4, 25, and 55℃), this study conducted integrated proteomics and metabolomics analysis of soybean seeds. For total proteome analysis, we applied TMT labeling based quantitative proteomics combined to FASP (Filter-Aided Sample Preparation) with high-throughput LC-MS/MS. A total of 2,616 proteins were identified out of which 801 proteins showed significantly difference of protein abundance (≥1.5 fold change, Benjamini-Hochberg FDR <0.05) among 4, 25, and 55℃ imbibition seeds. Functional analysis of identified proteins showed an increased abundance of proteins functioning as glycosyl hydrolase enzymes such as beta-glucosidase, alpha and beta-galactosidase, and alpha-mannosidase, or protease, and PTMs related enzymes as well. UPLC TOF-MS analysis showed around 20 fold increase in isoflavone aglycones (daidzein and genistein) while isoflavone glycosides (daidzin and genistin) were decreased in 55℃ imbibition seed, in agreement with proteomics results which we assume positively related to increase abundance of glycosyl hydrolase. A metabolomics analysis revealed 64 metabolites were significantly altered, for example, various free amino acids showed accumulation patterns by increased abundance of various protease enzymes and further confirmed the accumulation of isoflavone aglycones and degradation of raffinose and stachyose in 55℃ imbibition seeds. Based on these results, we recommend the use of 55℃ for soybean seed imbibition to increase the quality of soy-food products.