Project description:More than 40 species of mammal have been reported to be infected naturally with Schistosoma japonicum (Chinese mainland strain) in China. The reed vole, Microtus fortis, is the only known mammalian host in which the schistosomes are unable to mature and cause significant pathogenic changes. Gene expression profiling of the 10 day old schistosomula was performed. Microarray analysis was also used to identify differences in gene expression between Schistosoma japonicum schistosomula from BALB/c mice and from Microtus fortis. 10 day old schistosomula were isolated, total RNA obtained and Agilent one colour labeling used. A custom designed Agilent microarray was used to determine what differential gene expression occurs between parasites maintained in either a permissive (mouse) or non-permissive (vole) hosts.
Project description:More than 40 species of mammal have been reported to be infected naturally with Schistosoma japonicum (Chinese mainland strain) in China. The reed vole, Microtus fortis, is the only known mammalian host in which the schistosomes are unable to mature and cause significant pathogenic changes. Gene expression profiling of the 10 day old schistosomula was performed.
Project description:This project contains raw data, intermediate files and results is a re-analysis of the publicly available dataset from the PRIDE dataset PXD005780. The RAW files were processed using ThermoRawFileParser, SearchGUI and PeptideShaker through standard settings (see ‘Data Processing Protocol’). This reanalysis work is part of the MetaPUF (MetaProteomics with Unknown Function) project, which is a collaboration between EMBL-EBI and the University of Luxembourg. The dataset was selected with the following conditions: 1. It has been made publicly available in PRIDE and focuses on metaproteomics of the human gut; 2. The corresponding metagenomics assemblies were also available from ENA (European Nucleotide Archive) or MGnify. The processed peptide reports for each sample are available to view at the contig level on the MGnify website. In total, the reanalysis identified 15,417 unique proteins from 15 samples.