Project description:Lactococcus piscium strain MKFS47 is a psychrotrophic spoilage lactic acid bacterium, isolated from the cold-stored modified atmosphere packaged broiler filet strips with the first signs of spoilage. For the experiment L. piscium MKFS47 was grown in MRS broth without acetate with 2% glucose, samples were taken at 3h, 5h and 11h in three replicates. The extracted RNA was sequenced using SOLiD 5500XL. RNA-seq reads were mapped against L. piscium MKFS47 genome and were counted per gene using Lifescope software. The experiment was conducted to identify the time-course differential expression of the L. piscium MKFS47 genes.
Project description:Mostly, lactic acid bacteria (LAB), including food-spoilage-associated, grow in communities consisting of several microbial species. The interspecies interactions eventually shape the structure and global activity of a given microbial community. Generally, the knowledge on system level responses of LAB (especially food-spoilage-associated) during such interactions is very limited. To study transcriptome responses during interactions between three MAP meat-spoilage-associated LAB (Leuconostoc gelidum subsp. gasicomitatum LMG 18811T, Lactococcus piscium MKFS47 and Lactobacillus oligofermentans LMG 22743T) we grew them separately in individual cultures and in mixed cultures pairwise (three combinations) and all together (triple culture) in three replicates on a glucose-containing growth medium (MRS) under microaerobic conditions at 25 C, samples were taken at three time points (3, 5 and 11 h) and extracted RNA were sequenced. The experiments were performed in two batches. At first (batch 1), co-cultivation of Le. gelidum and Lc. piscium accompanied with their individual cultures was performed and processed. The raw RNA-seq data for the individual culture of Lc. piscium from the batch 1 were uploaded earlier and are available in the ArrayExpress database under accession number E-MTAB-3245. Later (batch 2), two other pairwise cultures (Le. gelidum + Lb. oligofermentans and Lc. piscium + Lb. oligofermentans) and the triple culture were grown together with the individual cultures of all three LAB. Designations used for the sample names: G: Le. gelidum; P: Lc. piscium; O: Lb. oligofermentans; GO, PO, PG: pairwise cultures of the corresponding species; OPG: triple culture; b1: batch 1; b2: batch 2. Example: 3G2_b1: 3 h, Le. gelidum, 2nd replicate, batch 1; 11PO3_b2: 11 h, pairwise culture of Lc. piscium and Lb. oligofermentans, 3d replicate, batch 2. One sample (5PO3_b2) had very low number of reads ~ 9000, and, therefore, was not uploaded under this project. RNA extraction and library construction were done analogously as in the study (Andreevskaya M et al., 2015. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 81:38003811, doi: 10.1128/AEM.00320-15). Ribosomal RNA was omitted. Libraries were sequenced in five lanes using SOLiD 5500XL (Life technologies, Foster City, Ca, USA) to produce 75 bp single-end reads. For the data submission, xsq files obtained from SOLiD 5500XL machine, were converted into fastq files. Adapter sequences were removed using cutadapt 1.4.1.
Project description:There is considerable interest in the use of psychrotrophic bacteria for food biopreservation and in the understanding of cold adaptation mechanisms. The psychrotrophic biopreservative Lactococcus piscium strain CNCM I-4031 was studied for its growth behavior and proteomic responses after cold shock and during cold acclimation. Growth kinetics highlighted the absence of growth latency after cold shock, suggesting a very high promptness in cold adaptation, a behavior that has never been described before for lactic acid bacteria (LAB). A comparative proteomic analysis was applied with two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE), and upregulated proteins were identified by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Both cold shock and cold acclimation triggered the upregulation of proteins involved in general and oxidative stress responses and fatty acid and energetic metabolism. However, 2-DE profiles and upregulated proteins were different under both conditions, suggesting a sequence of steps in cold adaptation. In addition, the major 7-kDa Csp protein was identified in the L. piscium CNCM I-4031 genome but was not cold regulated. The implication of the identified cold shock proteins and cold acclimation proteins in efficient cold adaptation, the possible regulation of a histidyl phosphocarrier protein, and the roles of a constitutive major 7-kDa Csp are discussed.
Project description:Investigation of whole genome gene expression level changes in Lactococcus lactis KCTC 3769T,L. raffinolactis DSM 20443T, L. plantarum DSM 20686T, L. fujiensis JSM 16395T, L. garvieae KCTC 3772T, L. piscium DSM 6634T and L. chungangensis CAU 28T . This proves that transcriptional profiling can facilitate in elucidating the genetic distance between closely related strains.
Project description:Investigation of whole genome gene expression level changes in Lactococcus lactis KCTC 3769T,L. raffinolactis DSM 20443T, L. plantarum DSM 20686T, L. fujiensis JSM 16395T, L. garvieae KCTC 3772T, L. piscium DSM 6634T and L. chungangensis CAU 28T . This proves that transcriptional profiling can facilitate in elucidating the genetic distance between closely related strains. A one chip study using total RNA recovered from of L. raffinolactis DSM 20443T, L. plantarum DSM 20686T, L. fujiensis JSM 16395T, L. garvieae KCTC 3772T, L. piscium DSM 6634T and L. chungangensis CAU 28T . For the the transcriptome of of L. raffinolactis DSM 20443T, L. plantarum DSM 20686T, L. fujiensis JSM 16395T, L. garvieae KCTC 3772T, L. piscium DSM 6634T and L. chungangensis CAU 28T was analyzed using the Lactococcus lactis KCTC 3769T microarray platform