Project description:YerA41 is a myoviridae bacteriophage that was originally isolated due its ability to infect Yersinia ruckeri bacteria, the causative agent of enteric redmouth disease of salmonid fish. Several attempts to determine its genomic DNA sequence using traditional and next generation sequencing technologies failed, indicating that the phage genome is modified such way that it is an unsuitable template for PCR amplification and sequencing. To determine the YerA41 genome sequence we isolated RNA from phage-infected Y. ruckeri cells at different time points post-infection, and sequenced it. The host-genome specific reads were substracted and de novo assembly was performed on the unaligned reads.
Project description:We use Illumina sequencing to monitor mutations in the bacteriophage T7 genome in the presence of T7 DNA polymerase that has an altered exonuclease active site. These alterations include mutation of key residues in the exonuclease active site.