Project description:Divergent functions of two clades of flavodoxin in diatoms mitigate oxidative stress and iron limitation Thalassiosira pseudonana and 4 open-ocean diatoms were subjected to iron limitation or short-term oxidative stress (hydrogen peroxide). mRNA profiles of T. pseudonana (CCMP1335), Thalassiosira oceanica (CCMP1005), Amphora coffeaeformis (CCMP1405), Chaetoceros sp. (CCMP199), and Cylindrotheca closterium (CCMP340).
Project description:Iron (Fe) is an important growth limiting factor for diatoms and its availability is further restricted by changes in the carbonate chemistry of the water. We investigated the physiological attributes and transcriptional profiles of the diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana grown on a day:night cycle under different CO2/pH and iron concentrations, that in combination generated available iron (Fe’) concentrations of 1160, 233, 58 and 12 pM. We found the light-dark conditions to be the main driver of transcriptional patterns, followed by Fe’ concentration and CO2 availability, respectively. At the highest Fe’ (1160 pM), 55% of the transcribed genes were differentially expressed between day and night, whereas at the lowest Fe’ (12 pM), only 28% of the transcribed genes displayed comparable patterns. While Fe limitation disrupts the diel transcriptional patterns for genes in most central metabolism pathways, the diel periodicity of light- signaling molecules and glycolytic genes, was relatively robust in response to reduced Fe’. Moreover, we identified a non-canonical splicing of transcripts encoding triose-phosphate isomerase, a key-enzyme of glycolysis, generating transcript isoforms that would encode proteins with and without an active site. Transcripts that encoded an active enzyme maintained a diel pattern at low Fe’, while transcripts that encoded the non-active enzyme lost the diel pattern. This work illustrates the interplay between nutrient limitation and transcriptional regulation over the diel cycle. Considering that future ocean conditions will reduce the availability of Fe in many parts of the oceans, our work identifies some of the regulatory mechanisms that may shape future ecological communities.
Project description:Diatoms are important primary producers in the world’s oceans, yet their growth is constrained in large regions by low bioavailable iron (Fe). Low Fe-induced limitation of primary production is due to requirements for Fe in components of essential metabolic pathways including photosynthesis and other chloroplast plastid functions. Studies have shown that under Fe-limited stress, diatoms alter plastid-specific processes, including components of electron transport. These physiological changes suggest changes of protein content and their abundance within the diatom plastid. While in-silico predictions provide putative information on plastid-localized proteins, knowledge of diatom plastid proteins remains limited in comparison to model photosynthetic organisms. To characterize proteins enriched in diatom plastids we have used shotgun proteomics to assess the proteome of subcellular plastid-enriched fractions from Thalassiosira pseudonana. To improve our understanding of how the plastid proteome is remodeled in response to Fe limitation, proteome sequencing has been performed on T. pseudonana grown under Fe replete and limited conditions. These analyses have shown that Fe limitation regulates major metabolic pathways in the plastid, including the Calvin cycle, as well as changes in light harvesting protein expression. In-silico localization predictions of proteins identified in this plastid-enriched proteome allowed for an in-depth comparison of theoretical vs observed plastid-localization, providing evidence for the potential of additional protein import pathways into the diatom plastid.
Project description:Transcriptomic profiling of the diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana at normal and elevated CO2 levels and at normal and elevated light levels. Common reference total RNA (Agilent Quick-Amp Cy3-labeled) was used in all arrays as an internal standard.
Project description:Nitrogen fixation by cyanobacteria supplies critical bioavailable nitrogen to marine ecosystems worldwide; however, field and lab data have demonstrated it to be limited by iron, phosphorus and/or CO2. To address unknown future interactions among these factors, we grew the nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium Trichodesmium for 1 year under Fe/P co-limitation following 7 years of both low and high CO2 selection. Fe/P co-limited cell lines demonstrated a complex cellular response including increased growth rates, broad proteome restructuring and cell size reductions relative to steady-state growth limited by either Fe or P alone. Fe/P co-limitation increased abundance of a protein containing a conserved domain previously implicated in cell size regulation, suggesting a similar role in Trichodesmium. Increased CO2 further induced nutrient-limited proteome shifts in widespread core metabolisms. Our results thus suggest that N2-fixing microbes may be significantly impacted by interactions between elevated CO2 and nutrient limitation, with broad implications for global biogeochemical cycles in the future ocean. Sample number sample description 1 380-1 2 380-2 3 380-3 4 750-1 5 750-2 6 750-3 7 380-1P 8 380-2P 9 380-3P 10 800-1P 11 800-2P 12 800-3P 13 380-1Fe 14 380-2Fe 15 380-3Fe 16 750-1Fe 17 750-2Fe 18 750-3Fe 19 380-1FeP 20 380-2FeP 21 380-3FeP 22 750-1FeP 23 750-2FeP 24 750-3FeP