Project description:Divergent functions of two clades of flavodoxin in diatoms mitigate oxidative stress and iron limitation Thalassiosira pseudonana and 4 open-ocean diatoms were subjected to iron limitation or short-term oxidative stress (hydrogen peroxide). mRNA profiles of T. pseudonana (CCMP1335), Thalassiosira oceanica (CCMP1005), Amphora coffeaeformis (CCMP1405), Chaetoceros sp. (CCMP199), and Cylindrotheca closterium (CCMP340).
Project description:Enhanced vertical stratification brought about by warming of the ocean surface is expected to reduce vertical circulation and nutrient input with knock-on effects for phytoplankton. Increased nutrient limitation is one predicted outcome, but the response of phytoplankton is uncertain because long-term adaptation to nutrient limitation has not been studied. We used Cu as a model catalytic nutrient to explore the adaptive response of an oceanic diatom to continuous nutrient deprivation. Thalassiosira oceanica was maintained under Cu-limiting and sufficient conditions for more than 2000 generations and the evolved populations evaluated for physiological traits in a reciprocal transplant experiment. Adaptation to low Cu concentration increased Cu use efficiency, so that under Cu-limiting conditions T. oceanica maintained significantly faster rates of net C assimilation and growth than the control and ancestral populations.
Project description:Copper (Cu) plays an essential role in cellular metabolism and limits phytoplankton growth and production in parts of the open sea. Whole transcriptome analysis provides a powerful tool to explore gene expression profiles and cellular metabolic pathways regulated by Cu. In this study, we identified Cu-regulated genes by profiling the transcriptomes of an oceanic diatom, Thalassiosira oceanica 1005, adapted to survive in a Cu-limited and Cu-replete environment. The results provide insights to the mechanisms of adaptation and acclimation of T. oceanica to low Cu environments.
Project description:N-linked glycosylation is a posttranslational modification affecting protein folding and protein function. The N-linked glycosylation pathway in algae is poorly characterized, and further knowledge is needed to understand the cell biology of algae and the evolution of N-linked glycosylation. This study investigated the N-linked glycosylation pathway in the open ocean diatom Thalassiosira oceanica and identified N-linked glycosylated peptides through solid-phase extraction of N-linked glycosylated peptides (SPEG). We characterized 118 N-linked glycosylated peptides from samples of cells grown in high- and low-iron conditions. The identified peptides had 81% NXT-type motifs, with X being any amino acids except proline. The presence of N-linked glycosylation sites in the iron starvation-induced protein 1a (ISIP1a) confirmed its predicted topology, contributing to the biochemical characterization of ISIP1 proteins.
Project description:Iron (Fe) is an important growth limiting factor for diatoms and its availability is further restricted by changes in the carbonate chemistry of the water. We investigated the physiological attributes and transcriptional profiles of the diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana grown on a day:night cycle under different CO2/pH and iron concentrations, that in combination generated available iron (Fe’) concentrations of 1160, 233, 58 and 12 pM. We found the light-dark conditions to be the main driver of transcriptional patterns, followed by Fe’ concentration and CO2 availability, respectively. At the highest Fe’ (1160 pM), 55% of the transcribed genes were differentially expressed between day and night, whereas at the lowest Fe’ (12 pM), only 28% of the transcribed genes displayed comparable patterns. While Fe limitation disrupts the diel transcriptional patterns for genes in most central metabolism pathways, the diel periodicity of light- signaling molecules and glycolytic genes, was relatively robust in response to reduced Fe’. Moreover, we identified a non-canonical splicing of transcripts encoding triose-phosphate isomerase, a key-enzyme of glycolysis, generating transcript isoforms that would encode proteins with and without an active site. Transcripts that encoded an active enzyme maintained a diel pattern at low Fe’, while transcripts that encoded the non-active enzyme lost the diel pattern. This work illustrates the interplay between nutrient limitation and transcriptional regulation over the diel cycle. Considering that future ocean conditions will reduce the availability of Fe in many parts of the oceans, our work identifies some of the regulatory mechanisms that may shape future ecological communities.
Project description:Proteins associated with diatom silica are likely involved in the biogenesis of the complex, species-specific morphologies of the biomineral, but only very few such proteins have been identified. In this project we extracted and identified proteins from three related, but morphologically distinct, species of centric diatoms: Thalassiosira pseudonana, Thalassiosira oceanica and Cyclotella cryptica.
Project description:Iron and manganese are part of a small group of transition metals required for photosynthetic electron transport. Here, we present evidence for a functional link between iron and manganese homeostasis. In the unicellular cyanobacterium, Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 Fe and Mn deprivation resulted in distinct modifications of the function of the photosynthetic apparatus. For example, iron limitation modifies the rate of QA re-oxidation in photosystem II, a complex that contains more Mn than Fe. The intracellular elemental quotas of Fe and Mn are also linked. Fe limitation reduces the intracellular Mn quota. Mn limitation did not exert a reciprocal effect on Fe quotas. Microarray analysis comparing Mn and Fe limitation revealed a stark difference in the extent of the transcriptional response to the two limiting conditions, reflective of the physiological data. The effects of Fe limitation on the transcriptional network are widespread while the effects on Mn limitation are highly specific. Our analysis also revealed an overlap in the transcriptional response of specific Fe and Mn transporters. This overlap provides a framework for explaining Fe limitation induced changes in Mn quotas. Fe transporters can serve as a low affinity Mn transport system. Under iron limitation the specificity of the Fe transport system changes, making it a less efficient Mn transport system. We monitored the gene expression of Synechocystis PCC6083 at standard conditions and after 2 days of iron limitation (0Fe), manganese limitation (0Mn) and combined iron and manganese limitation (0Fe0Mn). Each timepoint and condition was sampled in triplicates. Due to strong deviations in one of the three repeats for the 0Mn and 0Fe0Mn conditions, the corresponding replicates were excluded from further analysis.