Project description:Genome assembly and annotation of Arabidopsis halleri, an emerging model for heavy metal hyperaccumulation and evolutionary ecology
Project description:Gene copy number variation (CNV) is a form of genetic polymorphism that contributes significantly to genome size and function but remains poorly characterized due to technological limitations. Inter-specific comparisons of CNVs in recently diverged plant species are crucial to uncover selection patterns underlying adaptation of a species to stressful environments. Especially given that gene amplifications have long been implicated in emergence of species-specific traits, we conducted a genome-wide survey to identify species-specific gene copy number expansions and deletions in the model extremophile species - Arabidopsis halleri that has diverged in evolutionarily recent time from Arabidopsis thaliana. Cross-species cDNA array based comparative genomic hybridization was employed to compare and identify gene copy number variation in the two sister-species - the metallophyte Arabidopsis halleri and non-metallophyte Arabidopsis lyrata, both relative to Arabidopsis thaliana. We uncovered an unprecedented level of gene copy number polymorphism in Arabidopsis halleri, with a species-specific enrichment of metal homeostasis function in the genes found to be copy number expanded, thus indicating CNV as a mechanism that underlies the key physiological trait of metal hyperaccumulation and hypetolerance in A. halleri.
Project description:A pseudometallophyte Arabidopsis halleri is frequently found to be infected with cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) in its natural habitat. The purpose of this study is to elucidate the effect of CMV infection on its natural hosts. The CMV(Ho) strain isolated from A. halleri was inoculated into clonal A. halleri plants that were obtained from runners of mother plants, and the pathosystem consisting of CMV(Ho) and its natural host A. halleri was established.In low heavy metal environment, the CMV(Ho) infection caused growth retardation in the above-ground part (stems and leaves) of host plants, and thereby conferred strong drought tolerance on host plants. On the other hand, in high heavy metal environment, which simulates a natural habitat for A halleri, the CMV(Ho) infection did not cause any symptoms to host plants and conferred mild drought tolerance. And the result of transcriptome analysis suggests that CMV(Ho) is recognized as a symbiont rather than a pathogen by its host plant. These results indicate a resilient mutualistic interaction between CMV(Ho) and its natural host A. halleri to adapt to an environmental change.
Project description:The model Zn hyperaccumulators Arabidopsis halleri and Noccaea caerulescens share elevated nicotianamine synthase (NAS) expression relative to non-accumulators among a core of alterations in metal homeostasis gene expression. Suppression of AhNAS2 expression by RNAi resulted in strongly reduced root NA accumulation and a concomitant decrease in root-to-shoot-translocation of Zn but not of other micronutrients. Few secondary effects on the root transcriptome were detected by microarray analysis.
Project description:The model Zn hyperaccumulators Arabidopsis halleri and Noccaea caerulescens share elevated nicotianamine synthase (NAS) expression relative to non-accumulators among a core of alterations in metal homeostasis gene expression. Suppression of AhNAS2 expression by RNAi resulted in strongly reduced root NA accumulation and a concomitant decrease in root-to-shoot-translocation of Zn but not of other micronutrients. Few secondary effects on the root transcriptome were detected by microarray analysis. Vegetatively propagated clones of A. halleri wildtype plants and a line with strong suppression of AhNAS2 were grown hydroponically for weeks in two different media (control Hoagland and 10 µM Zn2+ added). Roots were harvested and analyzed. Three plants were pooled for one sample. Three independent experiments were performed.
Project description:This application is from a NERC-funded consortium (Mark MacNair, Nick Smirnoff, Exeter) and (Brian Ford-Lloyd, John Newbury, Birmingham). Metal tolerance is one of the classic examples of micro-evolution. Despite extensive research the physiological bases of the adaptation in plants are largely unknown. Arabidopsis halleri is a zinc tolerant, zinc accumulating species whereas Arabidopsis petraea is non-accumulating and non-tolerant. The objective of our programme is to identify: a) those key genes that act to determine Zn tolerance and accumulation in Arabidopsis (and which account for the difference in performance of A. halleri and A. petraea grown in the presence of elevated Zn), and b) those _downstream_ genes that are expressed as part of the tolerance or accumulation response. Phase 1: Total of 24 chips: Material ready by May 2003. The results will: a) tell us how effectively material derived from other Arabidopsis species hybridises to the chips, and b) identify genes that are differentially expressed in the two species in the presence and absence of Zn stress (thus providing initial lists of genes that may be responsible for Zn tolerance or accumulation- (but see phase 2). A. halleri exposed to low and high Zn; root and leaf mRNAs extracted: 3 replicates of each: = 12 slides. A. petraea exposed to low and high Zn; root and leaf mRNAs extracted: 3 replicates of each: = 12 slides. Phase 2: Total of 48 chips: Material ready by September 2003. The results will tell us which genes, identified as having appropriate expression patterns, co-segregate with the Zn tolerance or accumulation phenotype and will provide firmer candidate genes for intensive study. Bulks will be produced from F3 progeny (from the halleri x petraea cross) following phentoypic analyses for Zn tolerance and accumulation. A bulk of F3 progeny all exhibiting high Zn tolerance: exposed to low and high Zn; leaf and root mRNAs: 3 replicates: = 12 slides. A bulk of F3 progeny all exhibiting low Zn tolerance: exposed to low and high Zn; leaf and root mRNAs: 3 replicates: = 12 slides. A bulk of F3 progeny all exhibiting high Zn accumulation: exposed to low and high Zn; leaf and root mRNAs: 3 replicates: = 12 slides. A bulk of F3 progeny all exhibiting low Zn accumulation: exposed to low and high Zn; leaf and root mRNAs: 3 replicates: = 12 slides. Experimenter name = H. John Newbury Experimenter phone = 0121 414 5581 Experimenter fax = 0121 414 5925 Experimenter institute = University of Birmingham Experimenter address = School of Biosciences Experimenter address = University of Birmingham Experimenter address = Edgbaston Experimenter address = Birmingham Experimenter zip/postal_code = B15 2TT Experimenter country = UK Keywords: stimulus_or_stress_design; organism_part_comparison_design; strain_or_line_design