Project description:Idenfication and characterization of oscillating transcripts after elicitation with oral secretions from the sepcialist herbivore, Manduca sexta larvae Source leaves, sink leaves and roots were collected every 4 h for one days.
Project description:Giant panda are carnivorous bears which feed almost exclusively on plant biomass (i.e. bamboo). The potential contribution of its gut microbiome to lignocellulose degradation has been mostly investigated with cultivation-independent approaches. Recently, we reported on the first lab-scale cultivation of giant panda gut microbiomes and described their actual fermentation capacity. Fermentation of bamboo leaf using green dung resulted in a neutral pH, the main products being ethanol, lactate and H2. Fermentation of bamboo pith using yellow dung resulted in an acidic pH, the main product being lactate. Here, we cultivated giant panda gut microbiomes to test 1) the impact of mixed dung as inoculum; 2) the fermentation capacity of solid lignocellulose as opposed to organics-rich biofluids in the dung; 3) the artificial shift of pH from neutral to acidic on bamboo leaf fermentation. Our results indicate that i) gut microbiomes fermentation of solid lignocellulose contributes up to a maximum of 1/3 even in the presence of organics-rich biofluids; ii) alcohols are an important product of bamboo leaf fermentation at neutral pH; iii) aside hemicellulose, gut microbiomes may degrade plant cell membranes to produce glycerol; iv) pH, rather than portion of bamboo, ultimately determines fermentation profiles and gut microbiome assemblage.
Project description:The role of plant-derived food sources in plant-herbivore-carnivore interactions is an essential topic in basic ecology, and it is directly linked to the applied discipline of biological pest control. Honeydew, which phloem-feeding hemipteran insects excrete, constitutes a rich source of carbohydrates and proteins for beneficial insects in ecosystems. However, the quality of this plant-derived food source depends on its composition. Here we demonstrated that plant proteins in honeydew increase the fitness of a parasitic wasp (member of the third-trophic level).
Project description:Neosartorya fischeri is a fungi that is able to grow in petroleum asphaltenes as sole carbon source. Here, was investigated which enzymes were up regulated
Project description:Anaerobic fungi (class Neocallimastigomycetes) thrive as low-abundance members of the herbivore digestive tract. The genomes of anaerobic gut fungi are poorly characterized and have not been extensively mined for the biosynthetic enzymes of natural products such as antibiotics. Here, we investigate the potential of anaerobic gut fungi to synthesize natural products that could regulate membership within the gut microbiome. Complementary 'omics' approaches were combined to catalog the natural products of anaerobic gut fungi from four different representative species: Anaeromyces robustus (A. robustus), Caecomyces churrovis (C. churrovis), Neocallimastix californiae (N. californiae), and Piromyces finnis (P. finnis). In total, 146 genes were identified that encode biosynthetic enzymes for diverse types of natural products, including nonribosomal peptide synthetases and polyketide synthases. In addition, N. californiae and C. churrovis genomes encoded seven putative bacteriocins, a class of antimicrobial peptides typically produced by bacteria. During standard laboratory growth on plant biomass or soluble substrates, 26% of total core biosynthetic genes in all four strains were transcribed. Across all four fungal strains, 30% of total biosynthetic gene products were detected via proteomics when grown on cellobiose. Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) characterization of fungal supernatants detected 72 likely natural products from A. robustus alone. A compound produced by all four strains of anaerobic fungi was putatively identified as the polyketide-related styrylpyrone baumin. Molecular networking quantified similarities between tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) spectra among these fungi, enabling three groups of natural products to be identified that are unique to anaerobic fungi. Overall, these results support the finding that anaerobic gut fungi synthesize natural products, which could be harnessed as a source of antimicrobials, therapeutics, and other bioactive compounds. See publication:
This research was performed under the Facilities Integrating Collaborations for User Science (FICUS) program (proposal: and used resources at the DOE Joint Genome Institute ( and the Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory (, which are DOE Office of Science User Facilities operated under Contract Nos. DE-AC02-05CH11231 (JGI) and DE-AC05-76RL01830 (EMSL).