Project description:We have analyzed the genome-wide redistribution of RNA polymerase in E.coli upon methylglyoxal stress. Herefore, we have used ChIP-chip against the beta subunit of RNA polymerase and we have assessed changes in RNA polymerase distribution upon sub-lethal and lethal concentrations of methylglyoxal.
Project description:Chromatin immunoprecipitation experiment to identify H-NS and RNA polymerase (beta-subunit) binding sites on the Salmonella Typhimurium chromosome
Project description:Sensorimotor dysfunction following incomplete spinal cord injury (SCI) is often characterized by paralysis, spasticity and pain. Previously, we showed that intrathecal (i.t.) administration of the albumin-oleic acid (A-OA) complex in rats with SCI produced partial improvement of these symptoms and that oral 2-hydroxyoleic acid (HOA), a non-hydrolyzable OA analogue), was efficacious in the modulation and treatment of nociception and pain-related anxiety, respectively. Here we observed that intrathecal treatment with the complex albumin-HOA (A-HOA) every 3 days following T9 spinal contusion injury promoted significant recovery in locomotor function and marked an inhibition of TA noxious reflex activity (i.e., nociception) in Wistar rats. To investigate the mechanism of action of A-HOA, microarray analysis was carried out in the spinal cord lesion area. Representative genes involved in pain and neuroregeneration were selected to validate the changes observed in the microarray analysis by quantitative real-time RT-PCR. Comparison of the expression between healthy rats, SCI rats, and SCI treated with A-HOA rats revealed relevant changes in the expression of genes associated with neuronal morphogenesis and growth, neuronal survival, pain and inflammation. Thus, treatment with A-HOA not only induced a significant overexpression of growth and differentiation factor 10 (GDF10), tenascin C (TNC), aspirin (ASPN) and sushi-repeat-containing X-linked 2 (SRPX2), but also a significant reduction in the expression of prostaglandin E synthase (PTGES) and phospholipases A1 and A2 (PLA1/2). Currently, SCI has very important unmet clinical needs. A-HOA proved to downregulate genes involved in inflammation and upregulate genes involved in neuron growth, which balanced the important body response to medular lesion and allowed recovery from paralysis and pain.