Project description:During an intracellular bacterial infection, the host cell and the infecting pathogen interact through a progressive series of events that may result in many distinct outcomes. To understand the specific strategies our immune system employs to manage attack by diverse pathogens, we sought to identify the unique and the core host and pathogen interactions that occur during infection: We compared in molecular detail the pathways induced across infection by seven diverse bacterial species that constitute many of the main human pathogens: Staphylococcus aureus, Listeria monocytogenes, Enterococcus faecalis, Group B Streptococcus, Yersinia pseudotuberculosis, Shigella flexneri and Salmonella enterica. We infected primary human macrophages with each species and used scRNA-Seq to generate a comprehensive dataset of gene expression profiles during bacterial infection. Examining the expression profiles of the infected macrophages across the pathogens, we discovered different modules of infection representing different states through which the infection progresses. The early module captures intra-cellular activity such as lysosome and degranulation, followed by type I IFN signaling, from which results in a cell death module, with a last mode of inflammatory response through response to IL-1. Comparing these modules across the pathogens, we found that their dynamics differ, with some modules active in all species and others which are present in some, but not all pathogens. Our work defines the hallmarks of host-pathogen interactions by identifying recurring properties of infection that can provide insight into diagnostics and therapeutic timing.
Project description:Drosophila larvae were infected with Erwinia bacteria (Ecc15) by introducing concentrated bacterial pellet into the fly medium. The tracheae were dissected 24h later. Three genotypes of larvae were compared: wt (CantonS), RelE20 and PGRP-LA, each present in unchallenged and infected conditions. 3 independent repeats were performed.
Project description:Single-cell decisions made in complex environments underlie many bacterial phenomena. Image-based, transcriptomics approaches offer an avenue to study such behaviors, yet these approaches have been hindered by the massive density of bacterial mRNA. To overcome this challenge, we combine 1000-fold volumetric expansion with multiplexed error robust fluorescence in situ hybridization (MERFISH) to create bacterial-MERFISH, a method enabling high-throughput, spatially resolved profiling of thousands of operons within individual bacteria. Using bacterial-MERFISH, we dissect the response of E. coli to carbon starvation, systematically map subcellular RNA organization, and chart the adaptation of B. thetaiotaomicron to micron-scale niches in the mammalian colon. We envision bacterial-MERFISH could prove useful in the study of bacterial single-cell decisions made in diverse, spatially structured, and native environments.
Project description:To identify endogenous siRNAs in response to bacterial pathogen at a whole genome level, we performed small RNA profiling on Pseudomonas syringae-challenged Arabidopsis and obtained more than 24.6 million (M) reads with more than 3.8 M unique small RNAs that perfectly matched Arabidopsis genome. We found some new miRNAs and some miRNA induced by pathogen infection. We also identified more than 20K unique siRNAs from the NAT mRNAs and 22K siRNAs from the introns or intron-exon junction of the NATs.
Project description:The intention of these gene expression analysis was to study host responses to an infection with Agrobacterium tumefaciens at different stages of crown gall development. Therefore the transcriptome of infected inflorescence stalk tissue and mature crown galls of Arabidopsis thaliana (WS-2) was determined of three different time points. These were compared with the transcriptome of mock-infected inflorescence stalk tissue (reference) of the same age. The following time points were analyzed: (i) three hours post inoculation, before the T-DNA is integrated into the host genome (ii) six days after inoculation when the T-DNA is present in the nucleus and the oncogenes are expressed in the host cell, and (iii) 35 days after inoculation when a mature tumors has developed. For the three-hour- (3hpi) and six-day- time point (6dpi) plants were infected with the virulent strain C58, harboring a T-DNA, or with strain GV3101, containing a disarmed Ti-plasmid. This allows discrimination between signals which derive from the bacterial pathogen and the T-DNA encoded oncogenes. This SuperSeries is composed of the following subset Series:; GSE13929: Arabidopsis thaliana three hours after infection with Agrobacterium tumefaciens; GSE13930: Arabidopsis thaliana six days after infection with Agrobacterium tumefaciens; GSE13927: Transcriptome of mature A. thaliana crown galls. Experiment Overall Design: Refer to individual Series
Project description:The intention of these gene expression analysis was to study host responses to an infection with Agrobacterium tumefaciens at different stages of crown gall development. Therefore the transcriptome of infected inflorescence stalk tissue and mature crown galls of Arabidopsis thaliana (WS-2) was determined of three different time points. These were compared with the transcriptome of mock-infected inflorescence stalk tissue (reference) of the same age. The following time points were analyzed: (i) three hours post inoculation, before the T-DNA is integrated into the host genome (ii) six days after inoculation when the T-DNA is present in the nucleus and the oncogenes are expressed in the host cell, and (iii) 35 days after inoculation when a mature tumors has developed. For the three-hour- (3hpi) and six-day- time point (6dpi) plants were infected with the virulent strain C58, harboring a T-DNA, or with strain GV3101, containing a disarmed Ti-plasmid. This allows discrimination between signals which derive from the bacterial pathogen and the T-DNA encoded oncogenes. This SuperSeries is composed of the SubSeries listed below.
Project description:To identify the mechanism of Microbial Influenced Corrosion (MIC) and the bacterial response toward corrosion, we conducted whole genome microarray expression profile. At log phase, the cell of Clostridium carboxidivorans using iron granule as an electron donor (corroding iron) was collected as a sample, and that of using syngas as an electron donor was collected as a control.
Project description:Stalk borers are major pests for some of the most important crops in the world, such as maize or rice. Plant defense mechanisms against these herbivores have been poorly investigated. The maize´s stalk responds to insect feeding activating defense genes including hormone biosynthetic-related or proteinase inhibitor transcripts. The most outstanding conclusion is that cells in the maize´s stalk undergo cell wall fortification after corn borer tunneling. We performed a gene expression profiling to identify those genes differentially expressed in maize after infestation with the corn borer S. nonagrioides.