Project description:According to Dobzhansky-Muller model, hybrid sterility is a consequence of independent evolution of related taxa resulting in incompatible interaction during gametogenesis of their hybrids. We proposed that asynapsis of heterospecific chromosomes in meiotic prophase provides a general and recurrently evolving trigger for the meiotic arrest of interspecific F1 hybrids. We used genome-wide expression profiling to quantify misexpression of Chr X and Chr Y genes.
Project description:According to Dobzhansky-Muller model, hybrid sterility is a consequence of independent evolution of related taxa resulting in incompatible interaction during gametogenesis of their hybrids. We proposed that asynapsis of heterospecific chromosomes in meiotic prophase provides a general and recurrently evolving trigger for the meiotic arrest of interspecific F1 hybrids. We used genome-wide expression profiling to quantify misexpression of Chr X and Chr Y genes. The total RNA (20M-bM-^@M-^S30 ng) samples were extracted from 14.5 days juvenile testes (pool of 4 samples), converted to cDNA using the Affymetrix 3 IVT Express Kit and hybridized to Affymetrix Mouse Gene 1.0ST GeneChips (core facility of the Institute of Molecular Genetics AS CR, Prague, Czech Rep.) We visually checked intensity histograms, boxplots and PCA graph and excluded one PWDxPWK sample that was a clear outlyer on all QC graphs (not shown).
Project description:In this study we used stringent mapping methods and a high-quality genome sequence to study the transcriptional response to lactic acid stress in Zygosaccharomyces parabailii ATCC60483, a natural interspecies hybrid yeast
Project description:Males hybrids from the crosses between species of the D. simulans clade are steriles as the females are fertiles. Hybrid male sterility is due to severe defects in spermatogenesis and phenotypic differences are observed between the different hybrids involving D. simulans, D. sechellia and D. mauritiana. In this study we are comparing gene expression in the testes of hybrids involving the female D. simulans and the males D. melanogaster, D. mauritiana, or D. sechellia to the gene expression in species testes. Keywords: Comparative genomic hybridization
Project description:MiRNA expression profiling on 14.5 day old testis from sterile (PWD x B6)F1, (PWK x B6)F1 and fertile (B6 x PWD)F1 inter-subspecific hybrids were performed to study the genome wide variation in miRNA expression between different inter-subspecific hybrids during meiosis.
Project description:Loop-design (triangle design with the comparison of each triplet: hybrid + parent 1 and parent 2) and pairwise design (hybrid + parent 1, hybrid + parent 2) were used in the experiment.<br> Four inbred lines and their four inter-pool hybrids were hybridized respectively in two-colour chips experiments. <br> The objective of our study was to:(i) identify differentially expressed genes in relation to heterosis for plant height, (ii) relate gene expression patterns to the dominance and overdominance hypothesis, (iii) determine the consistency of expression patterns between inbred parent - hybrid triplets also in view of differing degrees of relatedness of triplets, and to (iv) validate consistently differentially expressed genes between hybrids and their parental inbreds by real-time (qRT) PCR.
Project description:MiRNA expression profiling on 14.5 day old testis from sterile (PWD x B6)F1, (PWK x B6)F1 and fertile (B6 x PWD)F1 inter-subspecific hybrids were performed to study the genome wide variation in miRNA expression between different inter-subspecific hybrids during meiosis. The total RNA (120 ng) samples were extracted from 14.5 days juvenile testes (pool of 4 samples), converted to cDNA using the Affymetrix 3 IVT Express Kit and hybridized to Affymetrix Mouse miRNA Gene 1.0ST GeneChips (core facility of the Institute of Molecular Genetics AS CR, Prague, Czech Rep.)
Project description:Males hybrids from the crosses between species of the D. simulans clade are steriles as the females are fertiles. Hybrid male sterility is due to severe defects in spermatogenesis and phenotypic differences are observed between the different hybrids involving D. simulans, D. sechellia and D. mauritiana. In this study we are comparing gene expression in the testes of hybrids involving the female D. simulans and the males D. melanogaster, D. mauritiana, or D. sechellia to the gene expression in species testes. Keywords: Comparative genomic hybridization 4 species (D. melanogaster, D. simulans, D. sechellia, D. mauritiana) and 3 different hybrids were used in this study. RNA extracted from whole D. melanogaster males was used as a reference. Hybridizations were perfomed using RNA extraxted from a pool of 200 testes from a sample with RNA extracted from whole D. melanogaster males. At least three independent replicates per hybridizations were performed
Project description:Asian cultivated rice (Oryza sativa L.) consists of two major subspecies, indica and japonica. Inter-subspecific hybrids between indica and japonica, usually accompanying hybrid sterility, exhibit much more vigorous heterosis than intra-subspecific hybrids. f5 locus, also called S24 or Sb, confers significant effects on hybrid male sterility and segregation distortion. BC14F2 plants with f5-i/i, f5-j/j and f5-i/j genotype respectively, were used to dissect the underlying pathway of f5-caused hybrid male sterility via comparative transcriptome analysis. 350, 421, and 480 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were identified from f5-i/j vs. f5-j/j, f5-j/j vs. f5-i/i, and f5-i/j vs. f5-i/i respectively. 145 DEGs demonstrated simultaneously differential expression in both f5-i/j vs. f5-j/j and f5-i/j vs. f5-i/i. Enrichment analysis with MapMan and AgriGO indicated that protein and DNA metabolism, and cell control related processes were enriched in the 145 DEGs. Stress and cell control related processes were enriched in the DEGs of f5-i/j vs. f5-j/j and f5-i/j vs. f5-i/i, whereas, these two processes were not enriched in the DEGs of f5-j/j vs. f5-i/i. Biotic and abiotic stress resistance genes were suppressed, which may result in pollen cell more sensitive to various stresses. The down regulation of ascorbate peroxidase (APX) may break the dynamic homeostasis of ROS (reactive oxygen species) and cause oxidative stress, which can damage cellular components. The expression of most of the heat shock protein (HSP) genes, which can protect proteins and cells from been destroyed, were also decreased. Based on these results, a model was proposed to summarize the underlying process for f5-caused rice hybrid male sterility. These results provide significant clues to further dissecting the molecular mechanism of f5-caused intersubspecific reproductive barrier.
Project description:Transcriptional profiling of sweet corn plant density (crowding stress) tolerance influencing yield. Tolerance to crowding stress has played a crucial role in improving agronomic productivity in field corn; however, commercial sweet corn hybrids vary greatly in crowding stress tolerance. The experiment was conducted to 1) explore transcriptional changes among sweet corn hybrids with differential yield under crowding stress, 2) identify relationships between phenotypic responses and gene expression patterns, and 3) identify groups of genes associated with yield and crowding stress tolerance. Under conditions of crowding stress, three high-yielding and three low-yielding sweet corn hybrids were grouped for transcriptional and phenotypic analyses. Transcriptional analyses identified from 372 to 859 common differentially expressed genes (DEGs) for each hybrid. Large gene expression pattern variation among hybrids and only 26 common DEGs across all hybrid comparisons were identified, suggesting each hybrid has a unique response to crowding stress. Over-represented biological functions of DEGs also differed among hybrids. Strong correlation was observed between: 1) modules with up-regulation in high-yielding hybrids and yield traits, and 2) modules with up-regulation in low-yielding hybrids and plant/ear traits. Modules linked with yield traits may be important crowding stress response mechanisms influencing crop yield. Functional analysis of the modules and common DEGs identified candidate crowding stress tolerant processes in photosynthesis, glycolysis, cell wall, carbohydrate/nitrogen metabolic process, chromatin, and transcription regulation. Moreover, these biological functions were greatly inter-connected, indicating the importance of improving the mechanisms as a network.