Project description:The aim of the project is to estimate the relative protein content of photosynthetic proteins in thylakoids isolated from Arabidopsis leaves and spruce needles grown at different light intensity (high, normal, low).
Project description:Conifer-specific responses to elicitation with the chemical elicitor chitosan have been investigated using a transcriptome analysis in Norway spruce using a cell suspension culture system that has been previously described (Phillips, Walter et al. 2007). This study has demonstrated that the early events following chitosan elicitation include calcium mediated signaling and an oxidative response that have not previously been described in intact trees. Keywords: stress response
Project description:Dehydrins (DHNs) are plant-specific proteins that accumulate during the abiotic stress that cause cellular dehydration, such as drought, salinity and freezing. How the dehydrin system in conifers reacts to more short-term drought stress is much less studied. Therefore, we studied the dynamics of dehydrin system in seedlings of Scots pine and Norway spruce both on mRNA and on protein levels under conditions of polyethylene glycole 6000 (PEG)-induced water deficit of different intensities.