Project description:We investigated root associated fungi in young Norway spruce (Picea abies) cuttings rooted from slow- and fast-growing trees showing variable growth rate in long-term field experiments and compared their roots’ gene expression patterns five and 18 months after adventitious root initiation. Gene expression patterns of adventitious roots could not be systematically linked with the growth phenotype at the initiation of root formation, and thus fundamental differences in the receptiveness of fungal symbionts could not be assumed.
Project description:Nicotinamide seed treatment is investigated as a method for production of robust plants. Previous studies have shown that nicotinamide promotes the plant defence system and decreases DNA methylation levels. The purpose of the present work was to learn more about the underlying molecular mechanisms. The RNA was extracted from roots of three months old Norway spruce seedlings treated at seed stage. Stress was an overrepresented biological process of upregulated genes. Stress response genes are involved in adaption to and defence against stress. Upregulated stress response genes in the seedling roots were for example transcription factors MYB77 and LHY and two chitinases. Chitinases defend against biotic stress, such as pine weevils. Epigenetic regulating genes were generally downregulated, such as DDM1 which is known to promote DNA-methylation. Previous works suggest the hypothesis that nicotinamide is a defense signal mediator, which is supported by the present study.
Project description:Comparative transcriptome analysis of early interaction events in Scots pine root tissues following challenge with a pathogenic, saprophytic or symbiotic fungus. Seedlings of P. sylvestris (19 days post germination) were transferred to wet, sterile filter paper on Petri-plates. Thereafter, the roots of the seedlings were inoculated with the mycelial homogenate of either Heterobasidion annosum (FP5, P-type) a pathogenic root rot fungus which attacks Norway spruce, Scots pine and broad leaf trees or Laccaria bicolor, an obligate ectomycorrhizal symbiont or Trichoderma aureoviride- an obligate saprotroph. Thereafter, incubated for 30 minutes, during which time some hyphae adhered to the roots. The inoculated seedlings (ten) were then transferred to another wet sterile filter paper placed on 1% water agar in Petri dishes. A second set of moist sterile filter paper was laid over the roots. The region of the Petri-dish containing the roots was covered with aluminium foil and the edges of the plate sealed with parafilm. The seedlings were then incubated for 24 hr under a photoperiod of 16h light at 20 ºC. Control seedlings were ‘inoculated’ with sterile distilled water. Keywords: other