Project description:Definition using LAM-PCR of the insertion profile of IFP2 transposons containing a NeoR using the wild type CRD-less PB transposase (1-558)
Project description:Definition using LAM-PCR of the insertion profile of IFP2 transposons containing a NeoR using the wild type CRD-less PB transposase (1-558) N-terminally fused with a SV40 NLS
Project description:Definition of the insertion profile of Tcr-pble transposons containing a NeoR using G401 cells expressing PGBD5 Hs524 using LAM-PCR.
Project description:Deep sequencing of single cell-derived genomic DNA and/or cDNAs brings novel insights into oncogenesis and embryogenesis. However, traditional library preparation for RNA-Seq requires multiple steps, including shearing the target DNA/RNA and following sequential enzymatic reactions, which result in consequent sample loss and stochastic variation at each step. Such variation may significantly affect the output from sequencing. We have found that a new technique of library preparation using hyperactive Tn5 transposase for the next-generation sequencer of Illumina's platform provided high-quality libraries from 100ng of short-length (average 700~800 bp) single-cell level cDNA. This new method reduced the number of steps in the protocol, which resulted in improved reproducibility and reduced variation among the specimens. Two methods of library preparation (sonication, tagmentation with hyperactive Tn5 transposase) were compared in the case of RNA-Seq for single-cell level cDNA. Technical triplicates were used.
Project description:The piggyBac transposon system is widely used for biotechnology and genome engineering and is the founding member of a large superfamily of piggyBac-like elements. We investigated the role in transpositon of the nonconserved N-terminus in the piggyBac transposase, including the impact of predicted casein kinase phosphorylation sites within it.
Project description:Transposable elements are mobile DNA segments that are found ubiquitously across the three domains of life. One family of transposons, called P elements, were discovered in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. Since their discovery, P element transposase-homologous genes (called THAP-domain containing 9 or THAP9) have been discovered in other animal genomes. Here, we show that the zebrafish (Danio rerio) genome contains both an active THAP9 transposase (zfTHAP9) and mobile P-like transposable elements (called Pdre). zfTHAP9 transposase can excise one of its own elements (Pdre2) and Drosophila P elements. Drosophila P element transposase (DmTNP) is also able to excise the zebrafish Pdre2 element, even though it's distinct from the Drosophila P element. However, zfTHAP9 cannot transpose Pdre2 or Drosophila P elements, indicating partial transposase activity. Characterization of the N-terminal THAP DNA binding domain of zfTHAP9 shows distinct DNA binding site preferences from DmTNP and mutation of the zfTHAP9, based on known mutations in DmTNP, generated a hyperactive protein,. These results define an active vertebrate THAP9 transposase that can act on the endogenous zebrafish Pdre and Drosophila P elements.