Project description:12plex_pea_2013_02 - 12plex_pea_2013_02_f - What is the effect of a moderate water stress on seed filling (reserve accumulation) and nitrogen remobilisation in pea (Pisum sativum) - Pea plants (genotype Cameor) were subjected to a moderate water stress at the beggining of the seed filling period (12 Days After Pollination) of the second flowering node for a period of 8 days. Samples were collected from Well Watered (WW) plants at the beginning of the stress imposition (point A, T=0), and from Water-Stressed (WS) and WW control plants at the end of the drought period (point B, T=+8). Samples named SEED consisted of seeds from the pod of the second flowering node (seed-WW-A, seed-WW-B and Seed-WS-B). Samples named LEAF consisted of the leaves and stem sections from the two vegetative nodes below the first flowering node (leaf-WW-A, Leaf-WW-B and Leaf-WS-B). Each sample consited of a pool of 3 individual plants and 4 repetitions per condition were carried out.
Project description:12plex_pea_2013_02 - 12plex_pea_2013_02_g - What is the effect of a moderate water stress on seed filling (reserve accumulation) and nitrogen remobilisation in pea (Pisum sativum) - Pea plants (genotype Cameor) were subjected to a moderate water stress at the beggining of the seed filling period (12 Days After Pollination) of the second flowering node for a period of 8 days. Samples were collected from Well Watered (WW) plants at the beginning of the stress imposition (point A, T=0), and from Water-Stressed (WS) and WW control plants at the end of the drought period (point B, T=+8). Samples named SEED consisted of seeds from the pod of the second flowering node (seed-WW-A, seed-WW-B and Seed-WS-B). Samples named LEAF consisted of the leaves and stem sections from the two vegetative nodes below the first flowering node (leaf-WW-A, Leaf-WW-B and Leaf-WS-B). Each sample consited of a pool of 3 individual plants and 4 repetitions per condition were carried out.
Project description:To systematically investigate the regulations and functions of human WW-domain containing proteins, we conducted a proteomic analysis of 26 full-length WW-domain containing proteins and 17 WW-domains only, and identified their associated protein complexes in human HEK293T cells using tandem affinity purifications followed by LC-MSMS.
Project description:Primary microRNA (pri-miRNA) transcripts are processed by a protein complex called the Microprocessor comprised of the ribonuclease Drosha and its RNA binding partner DGCR8/Pasha. We sequenced small RNAs from animals containing a mutation in the WW domain of C. elegans pash-1. We found that these mutants have a modest but widespread reduction in miRNA levels when grown at 20˚C, which is further enhanced when grown at 25˚C. The results demonstrate a requirement for the WW domain in processing miRNAs in C. elegans.
Project description:This study compares gene expression change upon expression of Yes-associated protein (YAP) wild-type or mutants in order to establish the importance of TEAD binding and WW domains in the gene-induction function of YAP. The results indicate that gene-induction is seriously comprised in YAP-S94A (TEAD binding domain mutant) expressing cells. And mutantion of WW domains (YAP-W1W2) also affect a fraction of YAP induced genes. Therefore both TEAD binding domain and WW domains are required for the full function of YAP in gene-induction.
Project description:A total of 12 WW domains from Saccharomyces cerevisiae were expressed and purified as fusion proteins to either GST or MBP. The fusion proteins were chemically biotinylated and applied to duplicate protein microarrays. Data processing revealed a total of 587 interactions between the domains and 207 proteins. Most of these interactions have not been previously observed. Keywords: Protein microarray analysis of yeast WW domains
Project description:This study identifies expression differences upon knockdown of two H3K4 methyltransferases, Set1 and MLL1/2, in both the stem cells (X1) and whole worm (WW) tissue of the planarian flatworm Schmidtea mediterranea. To test this, we looked at the RNA-seq expression profile in WW and X1 tissue types upon RNAi knockdown of set1, mll1/2 and compared to a non-targeted RNAi control, unc22.
Project description:This study compares gene expression change upon expression of Yes-associated protein (YAP) wild-type or mutants in order to establish the importance of TEAD binding and WW domains in the gene-induction function of YAP. The results indicate that gene-induction is seriously comprised in YAP-S94A (TEAD binding domain mutant) expressing cells. And mutantion of WW domains (YAP-W1W2) also affect a fraction of YAP induced genes. Therefore both TEAD binding domain and WW domains are required for the full function of YAP in gene-induction. Experiment Overall Design: Four samples are included: 1. pQCXIH vector control; 2 YAP-WT expression; 3. YAP-S94A expression; 4. YAP-W1W2 expression. Gene expression profiles of YAP wild-type or mutants expressing cells were compared to that of vector control. Experiments were done in MCF10A mammary epithelial cells.
Project description:Extracellular vesicles (EVs), spherical nano-sized lipid-bilayer vesicular structure, is produced from host cells, and widely studied in microbiology, neurobiology, and bioengineering as drug delivery. Here, we report the new vaccine platform using a novel type of EVs, WW domain activated extracellular vesicles (WAEV). Our proteomics result showed that WAEV was activated by the WW domain independently, and distinct from the existing exosome.