Project description:Microbial keratitis is a major cause of blindness worldwide. An excessive host inflammatory response can occur even after adequate antimicrobial treatment. This results in tissue damage with corneal thinning and even perforation, which may require corneal transplantation. In this study we investigated the pathways involved in the pathophysiology of this disease by comparing the human transcriptome profile of tissue from culture-proven bacterial and fungal keratitis (n=7 and n=8 respectively) with normal non-infected cadaveric corneal tissue (C, n=12) using Illumina HT12 v4 microarrays. The causative organisms were Streptococcus pneumoniae (n=6) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (n=1) for bacterial keratitis (BK). Fungal keratitis (FK) was caused by Fusarium sp. (n=5), Aspergillus sp. (n=2, A. flavus and terreus) and Lasiodiplodia sp. (n=1). Differential expression (DE) analysis revealed 2310 significantly altered probes in the BK v C comparison, and 1813 probes for FK v C. The most highly upregulated gene in both comparisons was MMP9 with fold changes (FC) of 64 (fdr-adjusted p<6 x10-11) for FK v C and 89 for BK v C (fdr-adjusted p<4 x10-11) respectively. Network co-expression analyses revealed the defense response, inflammatory response and extracellular matrix mechanisms to be the main functional pathways involved. Microarray results were validated by performing real-time quantitative PCR (RTqPCR) for 46 DE genes using RNA extracted from the same samples. There was a high correlation between log2 FC values from microarray and RTqPCR. Further studies are needed to evaluate the most highly differentially expressed genes as possible biomarkers of disease progression or therapeutic targets. Case - control study design. Corneal ulcer tissue from 8 bacterial and 9 fungal ulcers was excised at the time of corneal transplantation surgery and immediately preserved in RNALater. Non-infected corneal tissue from 13 cadaver corneas were the control tissue. Transcriptome profile generated using Illumina HT12 v4 beadchips. Differential expression analysis was performed with pairwise comparisons: bacterial ulcers versus controls, fungal ulcers versus controls and bacterial versus fungal ulcers. Microarray results validated with RTqPCR.
Project description:Primary objectives: L’objectif principal est d’évaluer le taux de patients sans échec de la stratégie expérimentale 16 mois après la randomisation.
Primary endpoints: Le taux de patients sans échec de la stratégie après la randomisation. L’échec de la stratégie est défini par: • Progression (définie dans chaque bras)* en utilisant les critères RECIST v1.1 ou• Décès (toutes causes confondues) ou• Toxicité conduisant à l’arrêt définitif d’un des produits de la chimiothérapie (oxaliplatine et/ou irinotécan) • Refus du patient de poursuivre la stratégie • Décision de l’investigateur d’arrêter la stratégie
Project description:RATIONALE: Gathering information about how often fungal infections of the blood occur in patients with cancer or in patients who have undergone stem cell transplant may help doctors learn more about the disease.
PURPOSE: This natural history study is collecting information about fungal infections of the blood over time from patients with cancer or from patients who have undergone a stem cell transplant.