Project description:Interventions: Gold Standard:the pathological biopsy results after resection of colorectal mass;Index test:elasticity score; strain ratio
Primary outcome(s): elasticity score;strain ratio;the pathological biopsy results after resection of colorectal mass
Study Design: Diagnostic test for accuracy
Project description:A retrospective and prospective study to determine if the use of ambient lighting during screening colonoscopy is well tolerated and if ambient lighting will help physicians maintain adenoma detection rates while decreasing symptoms of eye strain as the day progresses.
Project description:WGS and WGBS data from monocyte-derived macrophages that were infected with Influenza A virus strain PR8WT, or a matching non-infected control.
Project description:The purpose of this study is to:
* determine the maximally-tolerated dose (MTD) and/or maximum-feasible dose (MFD) of JX-594 administered by biweekly intravenous (IV) infusion.
* determine the safety of JX-594(TK- GM-CSF+ Wyeth strain vaccinia) administered by biweekly IV infusion.
Project description:RNA-seq, ATAC-seq and ChIPmentation data from monocyte-derived macrophages that were infected with Influenza A virus strain PR8WT, or a matching non-infected control.