Project description:Aim: To determine whether mtDNA deletions arise upon the loss of mitochondria fusion in heart tissue Method: DNA was isolated heart mitochondria from control and heart-specific double mitofusin1-2 (dMfn) KO animals and used to generate libraries for sequencing to detect mtDNA deletions. Total genomic DNA from the Deletor mouse was provided by Anu Suomalainen-Wartiovaara and used as a positive control for the detection of mtDNA rearrangements. A standard Illumina TrueSeq paired-end library was prepared with ~500 base pair fragment inserts. Paired-end 100 base pair sequencing was conducted using an Illumina HiSeq 2500. The reads were mapped to the genomic sequence without the mitochondria using bowtie (VN: 2.1.0) to remove nuclear-genomic sequences. The unmapped reads were then mapped to the mitochondrial sequence (GenBank JF286601.1) using bwa (n=0.04, VN: 0.6.2-r126) with unmapped reads undergoing an additional mapping round after trimming fastx_trimmer, VN: to ensure higher mapping results. Using samtools (VN: 1.0: samtools –f1 –F14) reads, where the two paired sequences were observed to be greater than 600 base pair apart were identified as those containing deletion breakpoints. These reads were extracted for additional analysis. Results: Control and dMfn KO samples showed similar frequencys of breakpoints, while the positive control (Deletor mouse) showed a high frequecny of large breakpoints.
Project description:This study utilized the HIT-ISOseq method for high-throughput sequencing of RNA isoforms across multiple lettuce samples, generating millions of long reads per PacBio Sequel II SMRT Cell. Analysis of six tissue types revealed tissue-specific gene expression and RNA isoforms, facilitating updates to the lettuce reference genome annotation with expanded functional annotations.
Project description:Purpose: To develop a pipeline (Splice-Break) for high-resolution quantification of mtDNA deletions, provide a catalogue of human mtDNA deletion breakpoints, and evaluate mtDNA deletions in brains from subjects with psychiatric disorders. Methods: 93 samples from human postmortem brain and blood were obtained from the Southwest Brain Bank (SBB) and University of California, Irvine (UCI) Brain Bank. Total DNA was extracted from frozen homogenate tissue and mtDNA was amplified/enriched using a single long-range PCR. Mitochondrial amplicons were purified by bead purification to retain both wild-type and deleted molecules (i.e., no gel excision was performed). mtDNA-enriched PCR amplicons were prepared for sequencing using standard Illumina protocols for DNA. Samples were sequenced 150-mer paired-end reads, in multiplex (96x per lane), on an unpatterned flowcell (HiSeq 2500). Fastq files were processed using our Splice-Break pipeline for the detection and relative quantification of mtDNA deletions. Results: A catalogue of 4,489 putative mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) deletions, including their frequency and relative read rate, was produced. Analyses of 93 samples from postmortem brain and blood found 1) the 4,977bp “common deletion” was neither the most frequent deletion nor the most abundant; 2) brain contained significantly more mtDNA deletions than blood; 3) many high frequency deletions were previously reported in MitoBreak, suggesting they are present at low levels in metabolically active tissues and are not exclusive to individuals with diagnosed mitochondrial pathologies; 4) many individual deletions (and cumulative deletion metrics) had significant and positive correlations with age; and 5) the highest deletion burdens were observed in a subset of subjects with major depressive disorder (MDD), and these subjects had mtDNA deletion levels at or above those detected in typical deletion pathologies (e.g., Kearns-Sayre syndrome (KSS) muscle). Conclusions: Collectively, these data suggest the Splice-Break pipeline can detect and quantify mtDNA deletions at a high level of resolution.
Project description:C2C12 cells were UV-irradiated at 400 mJ, and whole cell lysates were harvested from the cells. tRIP was performed as previously described (Masuda et al). Samples were sequenced on the Illumina NovaSeq6000 with 150 bp paired-end read (Macrogen, Japan) or Miseq with 150 bp single-read at the core facility of the Nagoya University. For paired-end read data, only P5 reads were used for analysis. Briefly, after standard HiSeq demultiplexing, reads were adapter-trimmed and reads less than 18 bp were discarded using cutadapt (v1.10). Mapping was first performed against the mouse repetitive elements in RepBase with STAR (v2.5.2b). Repeat-mapped reads were removed, and all others were then mapped against the mouse genome (mm10) with STAR (v 2.5.2b). Multiply mapped reads were filtered out. Duplicates of reads uniquely mapped to the human or mouse genome were removed by Picard (v2.0.1).
Project description:Introduction : By mid-century, global atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration ([CO2]) is predicted to reach 600 umol mol-1 with global temperatures rising by 2ºC. Rising [CO2] and temperature will alter the growth and productivity of major food and forage crops across the globe. Although the impact is expected to be greatest in tropical regions, the impact of climate-change has been poorly studied in those regions. Objectives : This experiment aimed to understand the effects of elevated [CO2] (600 umol mol-1) and warming (+ 2°C), singly and in combination, on Panicum maximum Jacq. (Guinea grass) metabolite and transcript profiles. Methods: We created a de novo assembly of the Panicum maximum transcriptome. Leaf samples were taken at two time points in the Guinea grass growing season to analyze transcriptional and metabolite profiles in plants grown at ambient and elevated [CO2] and temperature, and statistical analyses were used to integrate the data. Results: The MiSeq library was quantified by qPCR and sequenced on one MiSeq flowcell for 301 cycles using paired-end sequencing. HiSeq paired-end sequencing was done with four quantified libraries per treatment which were pooled in equimolar concentration, and sequenced on two lanes for 161 cycles. The final read lengths for MiSeq and HiSeq were 300 nt and 160 nt in length. A total of 635,649,277 reads were assembled from the MiSeq/HiSeq pools. Quality control for reads generated from sequencing was performed using FastQC. Quality reads were used to perform de novo transcriptome assembly using Trinity. The initial assembly consisted of 187,216 genes. A filter was applied to keep only those genes that had at least 10 reads (across the 4 replicates) for an individual treatment. The resulting transcriptome contained 45,073 genes and reads. Functional annotation of the genes was done by using BLAST against Arabidopsis thaliana, Zea mays, and Setaria italica.
Project description:Replication of mammalian mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is an essential process that requires high fidelity and control at multiple levels to ensure proper mitochondrial function. Mutations in the mitochondrial genome maintenance exonuclease 1 (MGME1) gene were recently reported in mitochondrial disease patients. Here, to study disease pathophysiology, we generated Mgme1 knockout mice and report that homozygous knockouts develop depletion and multiple deletions of mtDNA. The mtDNA replication stalling phenotypes vary dramatically in different tissues of Mgme1 knockout mice. Mice with MGME1 deficiency accumulate a long linear subgenomic mtDNA species, similar to the one found in mtDNA mutator mice, but do not develop progeria. This finding resolves a long-standing debate by showing that point mutations of mtDNA are the main cause of progeria in mtDNA mutator mice. We also propose a role for MGME1 in the regulation of replication and transcription termination at the end of the control region of mtDNA.
Project description:In this project, in vitro selection was carried out to generate DNAzymes for Eosinophil peroxidase using a synthetic DNA library. Total 15 rounds of selections were carried out. The DNA molecules obtain in round 15, was applied in Illumina MiSeq deep sequencing which provided fastq files. Sequencing samples were prepared from each parallel SELEX experiment by PCR tagging with Illumina sequencing primers. Samples were size purified by agarose gel electrophoresis prior to being quantified by measuring absorbance at 260 nm. Tagged samples were pooled and paired-end sequenced on an Illumina MiSeq high-throughput DNA sequencer. Sequence data processing was performed on a Windows 10 computer running Ubuntu 20.04 under WSL2. Raw paired-end reads were trimmed of sequencing and library primers using cutadapt 3.4. Trimmed paired-end reads were then: 1) merged into a consensus sense read; 2) dereplicated; and, 3) clustered at 90% identity using USEARCH v11.0.667_i86linux32. Sequence frequencies and ranking lists were generated using custom Python scripts. Multiple sequence alignments were performed using MUSCLE v3.8.1551 and converted to sequence logos using WebLogo 3.7.8. Processed sequencing data and cluster linkage data were stored on a MySQL 8.0.22 database. Analysis of sequence copy number, frequency, cluster linkage and data plots were performed using the database and Microsoft Excel Top 20 sequences were tested for cleavage performance. The most active DNAzyme was characterized and optimized. At the end, fluorescence and lateral flow assays were developed and evaluated in real patients' sputums.
Project description:Expression analysis of cells the given amount of time after mtDNA was lost (or Nar1 expression was repressed) compared to pretreatment (or NAR1 being fully expressed). One time course experiment (Cells a given amount of time following mtDNA loss compared to cells with intact mtDNA), with 2 two condition experiments (Cells with the ATP1-111 genotype 27 hours following mtDNA loss compared to the same cells with intact mtDNA, and cells 27 hours following repression of NAR1 comared to cells expressing NAR1). Each data point had 3 biological replicates, and was dye-swapped. One replicate per array.