Project description:Problem: Recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis (RVVC) affects 5-10% of all women, negatively impacting their reproductive health and quality of life. Herein, we investigated the molecular effects of RVVC on the vaginal mucosa of otherwise healthy women. Methods: Gene expression analysis was performed on vaginal tissue biopsies from women with RVVC, including those with a current episode of vulvovaginal candidiasis (RVVC, n=19) and women between infections (CNR, n=8); women asymptomatically colonized with Candida albicans (AS, n=7); and healthy controls (n=18). Gene expression profiles were compared between groups and correlated with clinical data retrieved from questionnaires and gynecologic examinations. Results: Of 20,171 genes identified in vaginal biopsies, 6,506 were differentially expressed in the RVVC group, compared to healthy controls. Gene expression pathway analysis revealed an association between RVVC and pathways of inflammatory responses, especially genes involved in neutrophil recruitment and activation. Expression of genes involved in inflammation and neutrophil recruitment increased with increasing clinical severity of vulvovaginal candidiasis, whereas expression of some genes involved in epithelial integrity decreased with increasing clinical severity of infection. Gene expression profiles of both the CNR and AS groups were comparable to those of healthy controls. Conclusions: The clinical severity of RVVC during active infection correlates with increased expression of genes involved in molecular inflammation and neutrophil activation in the vaginal mucosa. The lack of differences between healthy controls and women with RVVC who were between acute infections indicates that the molecular effects observed in the RVVC group are only present during active infection.
Project description:Vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC) is one of the most prevalent vaginal infectious diseases, and there are controversial reports regarding the diversity of the associated vaginal microbiota. We determined the vaginal microbial community in patients with VVC, bacterial vaginosis (BV), and mixed infection of VVC and BV using Illumina sequencing of 16S rRNA tags. Our results revealed for the first time the highly variable patterns of the vaginal microbiome from VVC patients. In general, the alpha-diversity results of species richness and evenness showed the following order: normal control < VVC only < mixed BV and VVC infection < BV only. The beta-diversity comparison of community structures also showed an intermediate composition of VVC between the control and BV samples. A detailed comparison showed that, although the control and BV communities had typical patterns, the vaginal microbiota of VVC is complex. The mixed BV and VVC infection group showed a unique pattern, with a relatively higher abundance of Lactobacillus than the BV group and higher abundance of Prevotella, Gardnerella, and Atopobium than the normal control. In contrast, the VVC-only group could not be described by any single profile, ranging from a community structure similar to the normal control (predominated with Lactobacillus) to BV-like community structures (abundant with Gardnerella and Atopobium). Treatment of VVC resulted in inconsistent changes of the vaginal microbiota, with four BV/VVC samples recovering to a higher Lactobacillus level, whereas many VVC-only patients did not. These results will be useful for future studies on the role of vaginal microbiota in VVC and related infectious diseases.
Project description:RNA-seq analysis of an in vivo murine model of vulvovaginal candidiasis Murine vaginas were infected with Candida albicans and harvested for RNA-seq analysis 3 days post-infection
Project description:The onset of menopause is accompanied by a dramatic increase in reported symptoms of vaginal dryness, soreness, irritation or itching, pain with intercourse and bleeding after intercourse. Collectively these affect 25-50% of women of post-menopausal age and significantly impact their quality of life. To examine how gene expression differs between these groups, surface vaginal epithelial cells were collected from postmenopausal women suffering from vaginal dryness and appropriate controls not suffering from dryness. Affymetrix GeneChip Human 1.0 ST microarrays were performed on RNA isolated from ten participants. Suitable RNA was extracted from ten participants which were classified into two groups, the dryness and control groups, based on diagnosis of dryness by a nurse during gynecoligical examination.
Project description:The onset of menopause is accompanied by a dramatic increase in reported symptoms of vaginal dryness, soreness, irritation or itching, pain with intercourse and bleeding after intercourse. Collectively these affect 25-50% of women of post-menopausal age and significantly impact their quality of life. To examine how gene expression differs between these groups, surface vaginal epithelial cells were collected from postmenopausal women suffering from vaginal dryness and appropriate controls not suffering from dryness. Affymetrix GeneChip Human 1.0 ST microarrays were performed on RNA isolated from ten participants.
Project description:Vaginal transcriptional signatures of the neutrophil-driven immune response correlate with clinical severity during recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis