Project description:The two C. elegans natural microbiota isolates Pseudomonas lurida MYb11 and Pseudomonas fluorescens MYb115 protect the host against pathogens through distinct mechanisms. While P. lurida produces an antimicrobial compound and directly inhibits pathogen growth, P. fluorescens MYb115 protects the host without affecting pathogen growth. It is unknown how these two protective microbes affect host biological processes. We used a proteomics approach to elucidate the C. elegans response to MYb11 and MYb115. We found that both Pseudomonas isolates increase vitellogenin protein production in adult day 1 animals, which confirms previous findings on the effect of microbiota on C. elegans reproductive timing. Moreover, the C. elegans responses to MYb11 and MYb115 exhibit common signatures with the response to other vitamin B12-producing bacteria, emphasizing the importance of vitamin B12 in C. elegans-microbe metabolic interactions.
Project description:Illumina RNA sequencing to assmeble a transcriptome for the oyster Ostrea lurida and identify genes signficantly differentially expressed among three populations of oysters that differ in their tolerance of low salinity. Our new transcripmotme provides an important genomic resource for future work in this species of conservation concern. Genes differentially expressed between oyster populations provide insight into mechanisms underlying different low salinity tolerances.