Project description:Many preclinical therapy studies have focused on a small number of well-described mouse allograft or human xenograft models that poorly represent the heterogeneity of human disease. Here we have assembled a panel of mouse mammary cell lines derived from spontaneously-arising mouse mammary tumors or from mammary tumors arising in genetically engineered mouse models. We used the Affymetrix Mouse Diversity Genotyping Array to address DNA copy number variation in the genomes of the cell lines of this panel. The resulting information about regions of amplification and deletion should help inform biological analyses as well as provide a reference for cell line authentication/identification. Affymetrix Mouse Diversity Genotyping arrays were used according to manufacturer's directions to analyze gDNA extracted from 27 mouse mammary cell lines of varying malignancy.
Project description:Many preclinical therapy studies have focused on a small number of well-described mouse allograft or human xenograft models that poorly represent the heterogeneity of human disease. Here we have assembled a panel of mouse mammary cell lines derived from spontaneously-arising mouse mammary tumors or from mammary tumors arising in genetically engineered mouse models. We used the Affymetrix Mouse Diversity Genotyping Array to address DNA copy number variation in the genomes of the cell lines of this panel. The resulting information about regions of amplification and deletion should help inform biological analyses as well as provide a reference for cell line authentication/identification.
Project description:Primary outcome(s): Analysis of the diversity and composition of the gut microbiome by 16S rRNA sequencing
Study Design: Observational Study Model : Others, Time Perspective : Prospective, Enrollment : 60, Biospecimen Retention : Collect & Archive- Sample with DNA, Biospecimen Description : Blood, Stool
Project description:Low-pass sequencing (sequencing a genome to an average depth less than 1× coverage) combined with genotype imputation has been proposed as an alternative to genotyping arrays for trait mapping and calculation of polygenic scores. To empirically assess the relative performance of these technologies for different applications, we performed low-pass sequencing (targeting coverage levels of 0.5× and 1×) and array genotyping (using the Illumina Global Screening Array (GSA)) on 120 DNA samples derived from African and European-ancestry individuals that are part of the 1000 Genomes Project. We then imputed both the sequencing data and the genotyping array data to the 1000 Genomes Phase 3 haplotype reference panel using a leave- one-out design. We evaluated overall imputation accuracy from these different assays as well as overall power for GWAS from imputed data, and computed polygenic risk scores for coronary artery disease and breast cancer using previously derived weights. We conclude that low-pass sequencing plus imputation, in addition to providing a substantial increase in statistical power for genome wide association studies, provides increased accuracy for polygenic risk prediction at effective coverages of ∼ 0.5× and higher compared to the Illumina GSA.
Project description:Genotyping of RpoD mutants via amplicon sequencing from the following manuscript: \\"Systematic dissection of σ70 sequence diversity and function in bacteria\\" by Park and Wang (2020). Includes raw sequencing reads from samples from MAGE-seq single codon saturation mutagenesis and high-throughput fitness competition experiment as well as the RpoD ortholog mutants generated through recombineering and CRISPR selection.