Project description:The goal of this study was to use heterologous microarray hybridization to determine genomic content shared among different vesicomyid symbionts. These symbionts are closely related and can be thought of as different strains of bacteria, facilitating the use of heterologous microarray hybridization to determine genomic content. Keywords: comparative genomic hybridization
Project description:The goal of this study was to use heterologous microarray hybridization to determine genomic content shared among different vesicomyid symbionts. These symbionts are closely related and can be thought of as different strains of bacteria, facilitating the use of heterologous microarray hybridization to determine genomic content. Keywords: comparative genomic hybridization Microarrays were built off the Ruthia magnifica genome and two replicate hybridizations to this organism were used as a baseline for comparisons. Genomic DNA from two other vesicomyid symbionts (Calyptogena kilmeri and C. pacifica symbionts) was also hybridized to the array with three biological replicates for each sample.
Project description:In order to validate of CNV detection from low-coverage whole-genome sequencing in the blood samples from recurrent miscarriage couples, we employed a customized array Comparative Genomics Hybridization (aCGH, Agilent) approach as chromosomal microarray analysis (CMA) in present study for a cohort of 78 DNA samples from blood. CMA results were compared with low-coverage whole-genome sequencing detection results. 100% consistency was obtained in pathogenic or likely pathogenic CNVs detection.
Project description:In order to evaluate the performance of CNV detection in next-generation sequencing platform in varied sample types, we employed chromosomal microarray analysis (CMA) for validation of the samples with NGS-based detection results (NCBI Sequence Read Archive with accession number SRA296708). Besides array Comparative Genomics Hybridization (aCGH, Agilent) , we used a commerical SNP-array (Illumina) including early abortus, induced termination, prenatal samples and postnatal samples. CMA results were compared with NGS-based detection results. 100% consistency was obtained between NGS-based approach and CMA in pathogenic or likely pathogenic CNVs detection.
Project description:In order to evaluate the performance of CNV detection in next-generation sequencing platform in varied sample types, we employed chromosomal microarray analysis (CMA) for validation of the samples with NGS-based detection results (NCBI Sequence Read Archive with accession number SRA296708). Besides snp-array, we used a customized array Comparative Genomics Hybridization (aCGH, Agilent) approach for a cohort of clinical samples including early abortus, induced termination, prenatal samples and postnatal samples. CMA results were compared with NGS-based detection results. 100% consistency was obtained between NGS-based approach and CMA in pathogenic or likely pathogenic CNVs detection.