Project description:In order to elucidate the role of the single Marchantia B-GATA ortholog in response to high light intensities, a transcriptomic analysis of Marchantia polymorpha BoGa, Mpb-gata1 mutants and MpB-GATA1ox under high-ligh stress conditions was performed.
Project description:In the present study, Marchantia polymorpha Mppcs loss of function mutants were generated through CRISPR/cas9 mediated genome-editing. To assess whether the knockout of MpPCS gene affects the transcription of M. polymorpha nuclear genes in unstressed condition, the Mppcs-2 knockout mutant and Cam2 wild-type transcriptomes were compared by RNA-Seq.
Project description:Transcriptional profiling of Marchantia polymorpha Takaragaike-1 wild-type genotype, in samples from intact plants (NW, non-wounded) and from wounded plants, both in locally damaged tissue (W, wounded) and in systemic non-wounded tissues of the damaged plants (SD, systemic tissues of damaged plants)
Project description:Most of our current knowledge about the molecular events ruling plant-virus interaction come from studies focusing on vascular plants. We here characterized the molecular, cellular and physiological events goberning plant-virus interactions in the non-vascular liverwort Marchantia polymorpha.
Project description:To evaluate role of PRC2 on transcriptional regulation in bryophytes, we generated loss of function mutants of a Ez homolog in Marchantia polymorpha by CRISPR/Cas9 based mutagenesis. To avoid lethality of PRC2 knockout, we first mutate MpKNOX2 gene then additionally knocked MpEz1 out. Then we performed comparative transcriptome analyses using data obtained from Mpknox2 ez1 and Mpknox2.
Project description:To understand a role of MpMET in maintenance of cytpsine methylation and transposon silencing, we obtained a genome wide profile of 5-methylated cytosine from the Mpmet mutant of a model liverwort, Marchantia polymorpha.
Project description:RNA-seq of Marchantia polymorpha Mpb-gata1 mutants was performed in order to investigate their molecular signature of gene expression changes.