Project description:Bulk RNA seq of FACS isolated C. elegans neurons, with pan-neuronal reference, and sorted viable cell reference samples. Collected for comparison to single cell sequencing data
Project description:Bulk RNA seq of FACS isolated C. elegans neurons, with pan-neuronal reference, and sorted viable cell reference samples. Collected for comparison to single cell sequencing data
Project description:Comparative genomic hybridization between Escherichia coli strains to determine core and pan genome content of clinical and environmental isolates Two color experiment, Escherichia coli Sakai (reference), clinical and environmental Escherichia coli strains (testers): At least two replicates including a single dye swap for each reference-tester comparison
Project description:In this study, we dissect in detail the glial and immune responses associated to early stages of CAA. To do so, RNAseq gene expression analysis were performed in a mouse model for Familial Danish Dementia (FDD), a neurodegenerative disease characterized by the accumulation of Danish amyloid (ADan) in the vasculature. Findings observed in this CAA mouse model were complemented with primary culture assays.
Project description:RNA analysis of 770 genes (Pan Cancer IO 360) related to the tumor microenvironment on NF1-MUT and matched NF1-WT samples for reference.
Project description:Structural genetic variants like copy number variants (CNVs) comprise a large part of human genetic variation and may be inherited as well as somatically acquired. Recent studies have reported the presence of somatically acquired structural variants in the human genome and it has been suggested that they may accumulate in elderly individuals. To further explore the presence and the age-related acquisition of somatic structural variants in the human genome, we investigated CNVs acquired over a period of 10 years in 86 elderly Danish twins as well as CNV discordances between co-twins of 18 monozygotic twin pairs. Furthermore, the presence of mosaic structural variants was explored.
Project description:Full title: Probing the pan genome of a foodborne bacterial pathogen Listeria monocytogenes: Implications for its niche adaptation, pathogenesis, and evolution Listeria monocytogenes is a foodborne bacterial pathogen well known for adaptability to diverse environmental and host niches, and a high fatality rate among infected, immuno-compromised individuals. Three genetic lineages have been identified within this species. Strains of genetic lineages I and II account for more than ninety percent of foodborne disease outbreaks worldwide, whereas strains from genetic lineage III are rarely implicated in human infectious for unknown, yet intriguing, reasons. Here we have probed the genomic diversity of 26 L. monocytogenes strains using both whole-genome sequences and a novel 385,000 probe pan-genome microarray, fully tiling the genomes of 20 representative strains. Using these methods to identify genes highly conserved in lineages I and II but rare in lineage III, we have identified 86 genes and 8 small RNAs that play roles in bacterial stress resistance, pathogenicity, and niche, potentially explaining the predominance of L. monocytogenes lineages I and II in foodborne disease outbreaks. Extending gene content analysis to all lineages revealed a L. monocytogenes core genome of approximately 2,350 genes (80% of each individual genome) and a pan-genomic reservoir of >4,000 unique genes. Combined gene content data from both sequences and arrays was used to reconstruct an informative phylogeny for the L. monocytogenes species that confirms three distinct lineages and describes the relationship of 9 new lineage III genomes. Comparative analysis of 18 fully sequenced L. monocytogenes lineage I and II genomes shows a high level of genomic conservation and synteny, indicative of a closed pan-genome, with moderate domain shuffling and sequence drift associated with bacteriophages is present in all lineages. In contrast with lineages I and II, notable genomic diversity and characteristics of an open pan-genome were observed in the lineage III genomes, including many strain-specific genes and a more complex conservation pattern. This indicates that the L. monocytogenes pan-genome has not yet been fully sampled by genome sequencing, and additional sequencing of lineage III genomes is necessary to survey the full diversity of this intriguing species and reveal its mechanisms for adaptability and virulence. This is a Listeria monocytogenes pan-genome tilling array designed using PanArray algorithm. 9 experimental strains (F2-569, M1-002, F2-208, J2-071, J1-208, W1-111, W1-110, F2-524, F2-501) vs reference (EGD-e) strain.
Project description:Female breast cancer patients who underwent surgery for breast cancer as part of the Danish Center for Translational Breast Cancer Research program were included from 2003 to 2012. Patient inclusion criteria were: (1) a unifocal tumor with an estimated size of more than 20 mm in diameter, (2) none of the patients had a history of breast surgery and (3) none received preoperative treatment. Patients were defined as high risk according to the Danish Breast Cooperative Group ( and were followed after surgery.
Project description:Variants on the Y chromosome for 62 danish males in VCF format from the GenomeDenmark Phase 2 cohort. Variants were called using reference based approaches such as the haplotype-caller module from GATK and using alignment of denovo assemblies to the reference using ASMvar.