Project description:We report here NGS RNA-seqencing datasets with wild-type (Chiifu) and kimchi cabbage with Arabidopsis thaliana Phytochrome B (named AtPHYB) grown under optimal temperature (22℃) condition.
Project description:Rapid Acceleration of Diagnostics - Digital Health (RADx-DH): Covidseeker and COVID-19 Citizen Science: Leveraging Citizen Science and Real-Time Geospatial Temporal Mobile Data for Digital Contact Tracing and SARS-CoV-2 Hotspotting
Project description:Rapid Acceleration of Diagnostics - Digital Health (RADx-DH): Covidseeker and COVID-19 Citizen Science: Leveraging Citizen Science and Real-Time Geospatial Temporal Mobile Data for Digital Contact Tracing and SARS-CoV-2 Hotspotting
Project description:The Isala Citizen Science Project, is named after the first female doctor in Belgium, Isala Van Diest (1842-1916). In a co-creative way, volunteers provided samples and data, proposed research objectives and survey questions, and helped to disseminate and interpret the objectives and results through different media platforms, jointly breaking taboos on women’s and vaginal health. In Flow 1, we collected a single sample from a cross-section of the population, characterized the microbiome, and associated it with data collected in questionnaires. Here, we provide extensive sample meta-data for over 3000 women who completed questionnaires on their lifestyle, diet, health, contraceptive use and environment.