Project description:RNA-seq of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum-infected B. napus leaves during a timecourse after inoculation. This is a time course experiment. Sclerotinia hyphae were place on detached B. napus leaves, then the combined tissues were harvested at 1, 3, 6, 12, 24, and 48 hours post-innoculation. 3 biological replicates were collected for each time point, and sclerotinia from liquid medium was used as a control.
Project description:Plant growth and survival depends to a large extent on the diurnal regulation of cellular processes. Although extensively studied at the transcript level, notably less is known about diurnal fluctuations at the protein level. Here, we report a high-resolution quantitative time-course of the Arabidopsis rosette proteome and phosphoproteome over a 12 h light:12 h dark diel cycle. We monitored the proteome every 2 h and the phosphoproteome immediately before and after the light-to-dark and dark-to-light transitions. Notably, we quantified nearly 5000 proteins and 1800 phosphopeptides, of which 288 and 225, respectively, were found to fluctuate over the time-course. Diurnal proteome and phosphoproteome changes were related to diverse biological processes, including protein translation, light detection, photosynthesis, metabolism and transport. Together, these datasets represent the most comprehensive proteomic analysis of Arabidopsis rosettes to date, allowing us to make multi-level inferences about the diurnal regulation of key cellular plant processes plants.
Project description:The fullerenes, a kind of carbon nanoparticles, have potential for enhanced stress tolerance in plants. While the positive effects of polyhydroxy fullerene—fullerol on plants in response to drought at the physiological level have been documented, the molecular mechanism in Brassica napus are not entirely understood. In this study, exogenous fullerol was applied to the leaves of B. napus seedlings given drought. The leaves of B. napus seedlings in each treatment (sufficient water condition, drought, and drought combined with fullerol) were used to conduct the molecular mechanism using transcriptomic analysis.
Project description:Plant diurnal oscillation is a 24-hour period based variation. The correlation between diurnal genes and biological pathways was widely revealed by microarray analysis in different species. Rice (Oryza sativa) is the major food staple for about half of the world's population. The rice flag leaf is essential in providing photosynthates to the grain filling. However, there is still no comprehensive view about the diurnal transcriptome for rice leaves. In this study, we applied rice microarray to monitor the rhythmically expressed genes in rice seedling and flag leaves. We developed a new computational analysis approach and identified 6,266 (10.96%) diurnal probe sets in seedling leaves, 13,773 (24.08%) diurnal probe sets in flag leaves. About 65% of overall transcription factors were identified as flag leaf preferred. In seedling leaves, the peak of phase distribution was from 2:00am to 4:00am, whereas in flag leaves, the peak was from 8:00pm to 2:00am. The diurnal phase distribution analysis of gene ontology (GO) and cis-element enrichment indicated that, some important processes were waken by the light, such as photosynthesis and abiotic stimulus, while some genes related to the nuclear and ribosome involved processes were active mostly during the switch time of light to dark. The starch and sucrose metabolism pathway genes also showed diurnal phase. We conducted comparison analysis between Arabidopsis and rice leaf transcriptome throughout the diurnal cycle. In summary, our analysis approach is feasible for relatively unbiased identification of diurnal transcripts, efficiently detecting some special periodic patterns with non-sinusoidal periodic patterns. Compared to the rice flag leaves, the gene transcription levels of seedling leaves were relatively limited to the diurnal rhythm. Our comprehensive microarray analysis of seedling and flag leaves of rice provided an overview of the rice diurnal transcriptome and indicated some diurnal regulated biological processes and key functional pathways in rice.