Project description:Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L., cv. Fielder) plants were grown under iron (Fe) deficient hydroponic conditions to analyise transcriptomic changes in leaf and root tissue.
Project description:Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum cv. Mace) mature and senescent flag leaves were collected over a 48 h time course in continuous conditions to investigate changes in circadian clock regulation that occur during leaf senescence.
Project description:Allohexaploid bread wheat (Triticum aestivum, L.) provides ~ 20% of calories consumed by humans. Hitherto lack of genome sequence for the three homoelogous and highly similar bread wheat genomes (A, B and, D) impeded expression analysis of the grain transcriptome. We used novel genome information to analyze the cell type specific expression of homeologous genes in the developing wheat grain.
Project description:Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) has a large, complex and hexaploid genome consisting of A, B and D homoeologous chromosome sets. Therefore each wheat gene potentially exists as a trio of A, B and D homoeoalleles, each of which may contribute differentially to wheat phenotypes. We describe a novel approach combining wheat cytogenetic resources (chromosome substitution ânullisomic-tetrasomicâ lines) with next generation deep sequencing of gene transcripts (RNA-seq), to directly and accurately identify homoeologue-specific single nucleotide variants and quantify the relative homoeoallelic contribution to gene expression. We obtained mRNA-Seq datasets from non-normalized cDNA libraries created from shoot and root tissues of the euploid bread wheat cultivar Chinese Spring, from which the nullitetra lines are derived, from complete sets of chromosome 1 and 5 nullitetras, and from extant relatives of the diploid A (Triticum urartu) and D (Aegilops tauschii) genome donors, herein referred to as A and D genome diploids
Project description:More than four billion people rely on bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) as a major constituent of their diet. However, the changing climate threatens wheat production, with periods of intense drought stress already causing widespread wheat yield losses. Much of the research into the wheat drought response has centred on the response to drought events later in development, during anthesis or grain filling. But as the timing of periods of drought stress become increasingly unpredictable, a more complete understanding of the response to drought during early development is also needed. Here, we utilized the YoGI landrace panel to identify the key genes regulating processes such as, stomatal opening, stomatal closing, stomatal morphogenesis and stress hormone signalling related to drought stress.
Project description:Wheat (Triticum aestivum), one of the most important cereal crops, it provides many kinds of food for humans and animals, in this study, we performed the first comprehensive phosphoproteome analysis to study the regulatory mechanism of bread quality formation under different nitrogen fertilizer. Totally, 2470 phosphotides, represented 1372 proteins were identified in our study. and 411 proteins showed significant differences.
Project description:Wheat (Triticum aestivum) was infiltrated with the Stagonospora nodorum effector protein SnTox3 to identify differentially regulated genes.
Project description:B1355-4-2 expresses five HMW subunits encoded by Glu-B1 (14, 15) and Glu D1 (5, 10) and transgene Glu-A1 (Ax1).Cadenza does not express Glu-A1 (Ax1. Line B1355-4-2(18) was generated by co-transformation with the ?clean? fragments of the HMW-GS 1Ax1 transgene (Halford, N.G. et al. Analysis of HMW glutenin subunits encoded by chromosome 1A of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) indicates quantitative effects on grain quality. Theor Appl Genet 83, 373-378 (1992).)and the bar gene sequence. We compared the transcriptome of transgenic B1355-4-2(18) wheat line with their its background control-Cadenza bread wheat line. Transcriptomes comparisons were performed in endosperm tissue (14 and 28 days post anthesis-dpa) and in leaf tissue (8 days post germination ?dpg). Each of the transcriptome comparisons analaysis was performed using three biological replicates (i.e. per line/tissue/developmental stage selected). Hybridisations were performed in reverse dye labelling.
Project description:The small RNA transcriptomes of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and its emerging model (Brachypodium distachyon (L.) Beauv) were obtained by using deep sequencing technology. Small RNA compositions were analyzed in these two species. In addition to 70 conserved microRNAs (miRNA) from 25 families, 23 novel wheat miRNAs were identified. For Brachypodium, 12 putative miRNAs were predicted from a limited number of ESTs, of which one was a potential novel miRNA. Also, 94 conserved miRNAs from 28 families were identified in this species. Expression validation was performed for several novel wheat miRNAs. RNA ligase-mediated 5' RACE experiments demonstrated their capability to cleave predicted target genes including three disease resistant gene analogs. Differential expression of miRNAs was observed between Brachypodium vegetative and reproductive tissues, suggesting their different roles at the two growth stages. Our work significantly increases the novel miRNA numbers in wheat and provides the first set of small RNAs in Brachypodium distachyon. Keywords: Small RNA