Project description:To monitor the expression of cyanophage S-PM2 genes as it infects Synechococcus WH7803 over a 9 hr time course. Samples were take from 3 independent cultures. A reference design was used with dye swaps (technical replicates) for each time point.
Project description:Comparative genomic hybridisations of new cyanphage isolates against an array with probes designed against the core genome of the four cyanophage isolates S-PM2, Syn9, P-SSM2 and P-SSM4
Project description:In order to examine the response of Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 to an infection of the Cyanophage A1, we have used customized microarrays to identify genes potentially up- or downregulated by the infection. For this we compared cell culture before and after infection.