Project description:af47_thioredoxins - comparison ws vs de and dy - Knock-out mutants of the ferredoxin-thioredoxin reductase were used to evaluate the impact of the redox perturbation of the plastidial thioredoxins on Arabidopsis transcriptome. - Wild-type (WS) and two T-DNA mutant lines for the variable subunit of ferredoxin:thioredoxin reductase ( DY and DE from INRA of Versailles collection) were compared Keywords: wt vs mutant comparison
Project description:au15-02_trx - effect of ftr mutation on arabidopsis trancriptome - Recherche nouvelles fonctions pour le système TRX plastidial. - - Comparison Mut1 vs sauv1 at the same developmental stage (8-10 leaves) as Mut1 at the time of sampling - Comparison Mut1 vs sauv1 at the same age (11 weeks) as Mut1 at the time of sampling - Comparison Mut2 vs sauv2 at the same developmental stage (8-10 leaves) as Mut1 at the time of sampling - Comparison Mut2 vs sauv2 at the same age (9 weeks) as Mut1 at the time of sampling Mut1 = ftrb Sauv1 = Col-0 Mut2 = ftra1.a2 Sauv2 = WT segregant from crossing between ftra1 (in WS genetic background) and ftra2 (in Col background)
Project description:adt08-01_upp - adt08-01_upp - Impact on gene expression of the UPP loss-of-function at early development stage - WT/upp comaparison at the beginning of the development alteration (4d for Col0/upp-1, 5d for WS/upp-2), and 3 days later (7d for Col0/upp-1, 8d for WS/upp-2) Keywords: wt vs mutant comparison
Project description:af31_haf2_gcn5 - comparison ws vs haf2_gcn5 - Genes whose expression during seed germination is affected by the mutation of two histone acetyltransferase genes GCN5 and HAF2 (the later encodes TAF1). - mRNA extraxted from 72h germinating seed of the mutants gcn5 and haf2 were used for comparison with Ws seed at the same satge. 2 repetitions techniques + 1 repetition biologique. Keywords: wt vs mutant comparison
Project description:rs09-02_quinolinate - quinolinate - Study of the impact of an inductible increase in the NAD concentration in arabidopsis - Comparison between the mutant or the control after a quinolinate treatment Keywords: treated vs untreated comparison,wt vs mutant comparison
Project description:adt08-01_upp - adt08-01_upp - Impact on gene expression of the UPP loss-of-function at early development stage - WT/upp comaparison at the beginning of the development alteration (4d for Col0/upp-1, 5d for WS/upp-2), and 3 days later (7d for Col0/upp-1, 8d for WS/upp-2) Keywords: wt vs mutant comparison 8 dye-swap - CATMA arrays
Project description:Glycolytic Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) catalyzes the conversion of glyceraldehyde 3-phospate to 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate by coupling with the reduction of NAD+ to NADH. Both cytosolic and plastidial isoforms of GAPDH has been described but the in vivo functions of the plastidial isoforms is unresolved. We generated mutants of the Arabidopsis plastidial GAPDH isoforms (At1g79530, At1g16300; GAPCp1, GAPCp2) and performed a microarray analysis comparing gapcp double (gapcp1 gapcp2) mutant and wild type seedlings
Project description:aap_bap_nitropath_2014-botrytisxn - impact of nitrogen nutrition on the response of plants to biotic stress-Comparison of Arabidopsis responses to Botrytis infection in relation to nitrogen nutrition (sufficient vs limited).
Project description:af01_cul3a2_cul3b - comparison ws vs crb (cul3a) - Cullin proteins belong to a multigene family that includes at least three members in budding yeast, six in human, five in C. elegans and five in Arabidopsis thaliana. All cullins analyzed so far directly interact with RBX1/HRT1/ROC1, a RING finger protein, thereby forming the core module of different ubiquitin ligase complexes, which specifically recruit substrate proteins for ubiquitylation and subsequent degradation by the proteasome. CULLIN1, the only cullin protein studied so far in plants, has been shown to be essential for plant development and to play a role in multiple signalling cascades. Here, we report on the first molecular and genetic characterisation of a plant Cullin 3. In contrast to fungi and animals, the genome of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana contains two related CULLIN 3 genes, called CUL3A and CUL3B. We found that CUL3A is ubiquitously expressed in plants and that the CUL3A protein is also able to interact with RBX1 and certain Arabidopsis BTB-domain proteins. In order to determine the role of CUL3A in plant development, we used a reverse genetic approach and identified T-DNA insertion mutants. cul3a null mutants flower slightly latter than the control plants and their hypocotyls exhibit a reduced sensitivity to far red light. The viability of the cul3a mutant plants suggests functional redundancy between both CUL3 genes in plants. - Comparaison of mutant AtCul3a (T-DNA mutant of Versailles collection) and WS. Keywords: wt vs mutant comparison