Project description:We have used microarray comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) at 1Mb resolution to study copy number changes in a series of WHO Grade II Astrocytomas (n=21). We have used Illumina arrays to study genome-wide expression patterns in a series of WHO Grade II Astrocytomas (n=10). Keywords: Array Comparative Genomic Hybridization (aCGH), Expression microarray [aCGH]: Single hybridization per case. 21 astrocytomas WHO grade II were analyzed. Target (tumor) labelled with Cy5 and reference with Cy3. Mixture of 20 normal male or female genomic DNA was used in sex-mismatched hybridization. [mRNA]: Single hybridization per case. 10 astrocytomas WHO grade II were analyzed (5 adult, 5 pediatric)
Project description:In this study, we characterize the fusion protein produced by the EPC1-PHF1 translocation in Low Grade Endometrial Stromal Sarcoma (LG-ESS) and Ossifying FibroMyxoid Tumors (OFMT). We express the fusion protein and necessary controls in K562 Cells. The fusion protein assembles a mega-complex harboring both NuA4/TIP60 and PRC2 subunits and enzymatic activities and leads to mislocalization of chromatin marks in the genome, linked to aberrant gene expression.
Project description:In this study, we characterize the fusion protein produced by the EPC1-PHF1 translocation in Low Grade Endometrial Stromal Sarcoma (LG-ESS) and Ossifying FibroMyxoid Tumors (OFMT). We express the fusion protein and necessary controls in K562 Cells. The fusion protein assembles a mega-complex harboring both NuA4/TIP60 and PRC2 subunits and enzymatic activities and leads to mislocalization of chromatin marks in the genome, linked to aberrant gene expression.
Project description:Analysis of grades II, II and iV pediatric astrocytomas. Results used to straify tumors into molecular subclasses representative of adult tumors. The mesenchymal subtype is associated with high expression of immune response-related genes. Gene expression of grade II, III and IV pediatric astrocytomas, 24 individual tumor samples were profiled
Project description:Copy number analysis of 21 paediatric low-grade astrocytomas identified a discrete copy number gain of 1.9Mb in chromosome band 7q34. The gain was present in 12/14 cerebellar pilocytic astrocytomas. Subsequent analysis of tumour cDNA indentified a novel gene fusion between KIAA1549 and BRAF in these tumours. Copy number analysis of 21 paediatric low-grade astrocytomas using the Affymetrix GeneChip Human Mapping 250K Nsp Array. This study comprised 14 pilocytic astrocytomas, 4 diffuse astrocytomas, one pilomyxoid astrocytoma, one pilomyxoid glioma and one pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma. Tumours were compared to the mean of two normal male DNA controls.
Project description:Summary: Astrocytomas can be categorized as either low grade or high grade (glioblastoma). Low grade astrocytomas are not generally aggressive tumors whereas glioblastomas are and in turn have a high mortality rate. The purpose of this experiment is to identify genetic differences between the two types. Hypothesis: There will be a difference in RNA expression between high grade and low grade tumors. Specific Aim: To identify genes which make a tumor high grade or low grade Keywords: disease, cancer grade