Project description:Lung mesenchymal knockout of Bmpr1a will lead to lung malformation, including impaired lung branching and cystic lesion. In order to understand the underlying mechanisms, total RNA of wild type and mesenchymal Bmpr1a knockout lungs were isolated and sequenced using the next-generation RNA sequencing technique.
Project description:Lung mesenchymal knockout of transforming growth factor, beta receptor II (Tgfbr2) will lead to lung malformation, including impaired lung branching and cystic lesion. In order to understand the underlying mechanisms, total RNA of wild type and mesenchymal Tgfbr2 knockout lungs were isolated and sequenced using the next-generation RNA sequencing technique.
Project description:Lung fibroblasts include several subpopulations. We used single cell RNA sequencing (scRNAseq) to analyze the heterogeneity of lung fibroblasts.
Project description:Insight into the role of Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF) in development of lungs has come from the study of genetically modified mice. IGF1 is a key factor during lung development. IGF1 deficiency in the neonatal mouse causes respiratory failure collapsed alveoli and altered alveolar septa. To further characterize IGF1 function during lung development we analyzed Igf1-/- mouse prenatal lungs in a C57Bl/6 genetic background. Mutant lungs showed disproportional hypoplasia, disorganized extracellular matrix and dilated alveolar capillaries. IGF1 target genes during lung maturation were identified by analyzing RNA differential expression in Igf1-/- lungs using microarrays. Lungs from E18.5 were isolated from both Igf1+/+ wild type and Igf1-/- null mice and pooled to obtain RNA. Heterozygous male and female with a genetic background C57BL/6J were mated to obtain embryos at embrionic (E) stage 18.5 days post coitum (E18.5). 3 biological replicates per genotype.
Project description:We compared gene expression in T1alpha (-/-) lungs vs wild type at dpc 18.5 when the phenotype is moderate and at term when the phenotype is more severe. Lungs present narrow and irregular alveolar spaces, thicker mesenchyme, reduced number of attenuated type I cells, normal numbers of type II cells and secreted surfactant. At term, but not a dpc 18.5, there is increased proliferation of distal cells. We compared gene expression of T1alpha null mutant lungs to wild type lungs at dpc 18.5. The mutant phenotype at this developmental stage is moderate but the alveolar sacs are narrower than normal. Keywords: other
Project description:Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) is a critical regulator of pulmonary Th2 inflammation but the underlying mechanism and the roles of miRNAs in this process have not been defined. We analyzed the effect of VEGF on lung microRNAs by microarray analysis and validated the findings by Taqman qRT-PCR. We compared the levels of microRNAs in the lungs of transgenic mice with their wild type litters after overexpression of VEGF from a lung epithelium-restricted transgene. VEGF was overexpressed in the lung epithelium of CC10-rtTA-VEGF transgenic mice by adding Doxycycline to their drinking water for 7-10 days. RNA from the lungs of VEGF transgenic mice and their wild type litters were extracted and analyzed by microarray. The expression levels of microRNAs that were significanly altered were validated in another group of mice.