Project description:Male C57BL/6J mice were housed in cages and maintained on a 12-hour light-dark cycle. STD (NMF; Oriental Yeast) and HFHS chow (D12331; Research Diet, New Brunswick, NJ) were used, the mice were sacrificed at 20 weeks of age.
Project description:We aimed to address the challenge of accommodating an increasing demand for aged laboratory animals in the context of rising elderly population and research on aging-related diseases. We developed a cost-effective environmental enrichment method and assessed its impact on metabolic changes in Sprague Dawley rats' livers as a proof-of-concept organ. Twenty-four male rats were divided into four groups, with two kept in standard cages and two in modified rabbit cages. Half of each type of cage group received additional enrichment through weekly playtime in a larger cage. Over six months, the rats' weight gain was consistent across all groups, and corticosterone levels did not significantly differ. However, the control group had significantly lower DHEA and Testosterone levels at the study's end. Rats in enriched environments exhibited less distress during inspections and were more resistant to accepting treats. Animals accustomed to playpen time left their cages more easily. Overall, the study demonstrated that refining husbandry for aging rats is both simple and cost-effective, without detrimental effects on stress levels, development, or liver metabolism.
2024-01-22 | PXD046110 | Pride
Project description:Separating the grouped middle-aged monkeys to single cages
| PRJNA827507 | ENA
Project description:Hypothalamic transcriptome of bird raised in different-sized cages
Project description:We injected honey bee queens with a combination of BQCV&DWV-B, the same combination of virus that was inactivated with UV, or saline and monitored them in queen monitoring cages for 7 days before sacrificing them and performing proteomics on the hemolymph, ovaries, and eggs that were collected from the cages.
Project description:Wildtype Swiss webster mice were exposed to four weeks of either standard housing (SH) or environmental enrichment (EE) starting at one month of age. EE chambers were large mouse cages containing two nesting/burrowing materials, a running wheel, and toys that were changed every 3-4 days for novelty and exploration. By contrast, SH control mice were housed with an equal number of littermates in smaller, standard cages containing only one nesting material and no toys or running wheel. We used an antibody for Rbfox3 (NeuN) to sort neuronal nuclei from the dissociated frontal cortices of male mice reared in EE and SH conditions. Isolated neuronal nuclei were then subjected to ATAC-seq or nuclear RNA isolation (random hexamer priming) as per published protocols.
Project description:Juvenile rainbow trout were exposed to MWWE in a caging study, with cages held upstream and downstream of a MWWE outfall for two weeks in the fall of 2007. Whole tissues were sampled and analyzed. Microarray analysis was conducted on liver samples.