Project description:Mice were eithier injected with LLC or C26 cells, or injected with tamoxifen to indcue pancratic cancer in the KPP model. Matched controls were injected with PBS to mimic cell injections and control mice were injected with tamoxifen as controls for KPP.
Project description:The gene expression analysis of the RNA samples were analyzed with NanoString Non Human Primate immunology panel comprised of 754 immune related gene
Project description:Murine 4T1 breast cancer was grown in vivo and treated with repeat intratumoral influenza vaccine. Flash frozen tissue evaluated by nCounter mouse immune exhaustion panel.
Project description:mRNA expression in human bronchial epithelial cells unstimulated was compared with mRNA expression of cells stimulated with poly (I:C) (viral mimic) and poly (I:C) in combination with imiquimod (TLR7 agonist; Treatment). The aim was to assess the effect of imiquimod treatment on poly (I:C)-dependent changes in bronchial epithelium from asthmatics.