Project description:Alloplasmic lines provide a unique tool to study the nucleo-cytoplasmic interactions. Alloplasmic lines T183 and T195 were developed through the introgression of the cytoplasm from Aegilops uniaristata (T183) and Aegilops squarrosa (T195) in the nuclear background of Triticum aestivum cv. Chris. Alloplasmic line TH237 was produced introgressing the Hordeum chilense accession H7 cytoplasm into the nuclear background of Triticum aestivum accession T20. Fifty seeds for each sample in pots of 11 cm diameter and grown in controlled conditions under 600µE m-2 s–1 high light intensity in a daily regime of 12 h light at 22°C and 12 h darkness at 15°C. Plants were bulked from each pot and three biological replicate used for the transcriptomics Fully expanded second leaves were collected two weeks from sowing in the middle of the light period and used for transcriptomic analysis. ****PLEXdb ( has submitted this series at GEO on behalf of the original contributor, Cristina Crosatti. The equivalent experiment is TA49 at PLEXdb.
2013-12-11 | GSE48439 | GEO
Project description:wheat seedlings transcriptome and translatome RNA-seq raw data
Project description:This experiment performed RNA-seq of transcriptome and translatome (translating mRNA) of Caco-2 cells We extracted transcriptome and translatome from Caco-2 cells and deep sequenced them
Project description:In this study, we used CAGE followed by deep sequencing to globally profile the transcript 5’ isoforms in the translatome (i.e., polysome-associated RNA) and transcriptome (i.e., total RNA) of human HEK293 cells at single-nucleotide resolution. After removing low-quality sequencing reads, we obtained approximately 18 million and 14 million CAGE tags respectively for the translatome and transcriptome of HEK293 cells. These tags were then mapped to the human genome (assembly GRCh37) using bowtie with two mismatches allowed. Tags mapped to rRNA were less than 17.9% for translatome and 7.5% for transcriptome, indicating high quality of the two CAGE libraries. By comparing CAGE tags between HEK293's translatome and transcriptome, we revealed selective usage of the TSS-derived 5’ ends by polysome.
Project description:au13-12_polysome - transcriptome and translatome of arabidopsis wt seeds according to dormancy - Identification of transcripts that are differentially abundant (transcriptome) and transcripts that are addressed to translation (translatome) in imbibed Arabidopsis seeds in relation with dormancy. During imbibition of seeds (16h and 24h in darkness at 25°C, dormant and non-dormant seeds), transcriptome analysis is done on total RNA and translatome analysis on polysomal RNA. - At harvest seeds are dormant. They stay dormant if they are stored at -20°C (D) and become non-dormant (ND) if they are stored 3 weeks at +20°C. Arabidopsis dormant seeds do not germinate at 25°C in darkness while non-dormant seeds do. Total RNA and polysomal RNA (polysomal fractions purified on sucrose gradients) were extracted from imbibed seeds for 16h or 24h at 25°C in darkness (3 biological replicates). Transcriptome and translatome are compared for Dormant vs Non-Dormant for 16h and 24 imbibition. In silico comparison will allow to compare transcriptome and translatome for each point and type of seeds and to compare the time points (16 vs 24h) for each type of sample. 12 dye-swap - time course
Project description:Wheat seed germination is highly related to seedling survival rate and subsequent vegetative growth,and therefore directly affects the conformation of wheat yield and quality. So wheat seed germination is not only important to itself, but the whole human society. However, due to the large genome size, many studies related to wheat seed are very complex and uncompleted. Transcriptome analysis of elite Chinese bread wheat cultivar Jimai 20 may provides a comprehensive understanding of wheat seed germination. Seed germination involves in the regulation of large number of genes, whether these genes are normal activated or not is very important to seed germination. We performed microarray analysis using the Affymetrix Gene Chip to reveal the gene expression profiles in five phases of wheat cultivar Jimai 20 seed germination. Our results provide a new insights into the thoroughly metabolic changes of seed germination as well as the relationship between some significant genes.
Project description:Microarrays were used to identify transcriptional responses in field-grown root material of wheat in order to dissect specific gene expression responses to limited macronutrient availability, particularly phosphate. This study fills the gap between the transcriptome studies on model plants and the lack of studies on soil-grown wheat aiming to identify candidate genes for enhancing nutrient uptake efficiency. The work at Rothamsted Research is supported via the 20:20 Wheat® Programme by the UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council. The contribution was supported by BIONUT-ITN and the research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement no. 264296.
Project description:Wheat seed development is a very important stage in the cereal crops seed life cycle. The accumulation reserves of wheat mature seeds provide not only the food for human and livestock feed, but also the energy for the seed germination.However, due to the large genome size, many studies related to wheat seed are very complex and uncompleted. Transcriptome analysis of elite Chinses bread wheat cultivar Jimai 20 may provides a comprehensive understanding of wheat seed development. Seed development involves in the regulation of large number of genes, whether these genes are normal activated or not is very important to seed development. We performed microarray analysis using the Affymetrix Gene Chip to reveal the gene expression profiles in the phases of wheat cultivar Jimai 20 grain filling. Our results provide a new insights into the thoroughly metabolic changes of seed development as well as the key differentially expressed genes involved in wheat grain development.