Project description:The effects of two years' winter warming on the overall fungal functional gene structure in Alaskan tundra soil were studies by the GeoChip 4.2 Resuts showed that two years' winter warming changed the overall fungal functional gene structure in Alaskan tundra soil.
2019-03-07 | GSE127899 | GEO
Project description:fungal diversity of tobacco rhizosphere soil
Project description:Fungal necromass in soil represents the stable carbon pools. While fungi are known to decompose fungal necromass, how fungi decomopose melanin, remains poorly understood. Recently, Trichoderma species was found to be one of the most commonly associated fungi in soil, we have used a relevant fungal species, Trichoderma reesei, to characterized Genes involved in the decomposition of melanized and non-melanized necromass from Hyaloscypha bicolor.
Project description:Purpose: Investigate genes associated with Phn7.1, a major QTL influencing partial resistance to the soil-borne pathogen Phytophthora nicotianae in tobacco. Methods: Resistant and susceptible tobacco near isogenic lines with and without Phn7.1 QTL were subjected to the inoculation with Phytophthora nicotianae suspension and suspension buffer without pathogen as control followed by sample collection at 42 hour past inoculation for RNA-seq analysis. Results: Revealed gene expression profiles associated disease resistance and susceptiblilty.
2021-09-14 | GSE168854 | GEO
Project description:Soil fungal community of tobacco rhizosphere in southwest China
Project description:The aim of this analysis was to better understand the complex symbiotic stage of Tuber melanosporum by combining the use of laser capture microdissection and microarray gene expression analysis. We isolated the fungal/soil (i.e. the mantle) and the fungal/plant (i.e. the Hartig net) interfaces from transverse sections of T. melanosporum/Corylus avellana ectomycorrhizas and identified the transcriptional landscape associated with each compartment. We compared these data to the transcriptome of ectomycorrhizal root tips, free-living mycelium and fruiting bodies of Tuber melanosporum (Series GSE17529).
Project description:For decades the tobacco plant has served as a model organism in plant biology to answer fundamental biological questions in the areas of plant development, physiology, and genetics. Due to the lack of sufficient coverage of genomic sequences, however, none of the expressed sequence tag (EST)-based chips developed to date cover gene expression from the whole genome. The availability of Tobacco Genome Initiative (TGI) sequences provides a useful resource to build a whole genome exon array, even if the assembled sequences are highly fragmented. Here, the design of a Tobacco Exon Array is reported and an application to improve the understanding of genes regulated by cadmium (Cd) in tobacco is described. From the analysis and annotation of the 1,271,256 Nicotiana tabacum fasta and quality files from methyl filtered genomic survey sequences (GSS) obtained from the TGI and ~56,000 ESTs available in public databases, an exon array with 272,342 probesets was designed (four probes per exon) and tested on two selected tobacco varieties. Two tobacco varieties out of 45 accumulating low and high cadmium in leaf were identified based on the GGE biplot analysis, which is analysis of the genotype main effect (G) plus analysis of the genotype by environment interaction (GE) of eight field trials (four fields over two years) showing reproducibility across the trials. The selected varieties were grown under greenhouse conditions in two different soils and subjected to exon array analyses using root and leaf tissue to understand the genetic make-up of the Cd accumulation. An Affymetrix Exon Array was developed to cover a large (~90%) proportion of the tobacco gene space. The Tobacco Exon Array will be available for research use through the Affymetrix array catalogue. As a proof of the exon array usability, we have demonstrated that the Tobacco Exon Array is a valuable tool for studying Cd accumulation in tobacco leaves. Data from field and greenhouse experiments supported by gene expression studies strongly suggested that the difference in leaf Cd accumulation between the two specific tobacco cultivars is dependent solely on genetic factors and genetic variability rather than on the environment. 22 samples were used with 3 different experimental factors: [1] 2 different tissues (leaves and roots/lateral), [2] 2 different mutations (V5 and V21), and [3] 2 different stimuli (Soil 1 and Soil 2). 2-3 biological replicates were used. One sample did not pass QC and is not included in this submission.