Project description:Gene expression patterns of the plant colonizing bacterium,Pseudomonas putida KT2440 were evaluated as a function of growth in the Arabidopsis thaliana rhizosphere. Gene expression in rhizosphere grown P. putida cells was compared to gene expression in non-rhizosphere grown cells. Keywords: Gene expression
Project description:It has been performed a genome-wide analysis of gene expression of the root-colonizing bacterium Pseudomonas putida KT2440 in the rhizosphere of corn (Zea mays var. Girona. To identify reliable rhizosphere differentially expressed genes, rhizosphere populations of P. putida bacteria cells were compared with three alternative controls: i) planktonic cells growing exponentially in rich medium (LB), ii) planktonic cells in stationary phase in LB, and iii) sessile populations established in sand microcosms, under the same conditions used to grow inoculated corn plants.
Project description:Rhizoremediation, the biotechnology of the utilization of rhizospheric microorganisms associated with plant roots for the elimination of soil contaminants, is based on the ability of microorganisms to metabolize nutrients from plant root exudates, in order to survive the stressful conditions of the rhizosphere, and thereby, to co-metabolize or even mineralize toxic environmental contaminants. Novosphingobium sp. HR1a is a bacterial strain able to degrade a wide variety of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). We have demonstrated that this bacterium is able to grow in vegetated microcosms and to eliminate phenanthrene in the presence of clover faster than in non-vegetated systems, establishing a positive interaction with clover. We have studied the molecular basis of this interaction by phenomic, metabolomic and transcriptomic analyses, demonstrating that the positive interaction between clover and Novosphingobium sp. HR1a is a result of the bacterial utilization of different carbon and nitrogen sources (such as sugars, amino acids and organic acids) released during seedling development, and the capacity of exudates to induce the PAH degradation pathway. These results are pointing out to Novosphingobium sp. HR1a as a promising strain for the bioremediation of PAH-contaminated soils.
Project description:RNA-seq analysis of Pseudomonas sp OST1909 exposed to various preparations of naphthenic acids samples led to the identiifcation of many NA-induced genes.
Project description:Endophytic colonization is a very complex process which is not yet completely understood. Molecules exuded by the plants may act as signals which influence the ability of the microbe to colonize the host or survive in the rhizosphere. Here we investigated whether root exudates of the host might play a role in initiating the endophyte-rice interaction. The whole genome microarray approach was used to investigate the response of the diazotrophic model endophyte, Azoarcus sp. strain BH72, to exudates of O. sativa cv. Nipponbare in order to identify differentially regulated genes. Azoarcus sp. strain BH72 was grown in the presence or absence of root exudates of Oryza sativa cv. Nipponbare for two different time points, and differences in the gene expression profile were monitored.
Project description:To further understand the gene expression characteristics of originating biocontrol strain Pseudomonas aeruginosa M18, we have applied whole genome microarray expression profiling as a discovery platform to to specify the temperature dependent expression of M18 genome at rhizosphere and human body temperature. We selected 28°C as temperature representative of the rhizosphere niches and 37°C for human body. The results from the temperature dependent transcriptome analysis are consistent to our previous published data that the phzM, ptsP and lasI genes expression is upregulated at 37°C. The comparison analysis of the M18 genome expressional profiles at 28°C and 37°C indicated a total of 605 gene expressed in a temperature dependent manner over about two fold at 28°C compared that at 37°C, covering 10.6% genes in M18 whole genome.